Electric kettle which type?


roadrunner 45

T5 SE 180 4Motion
We would like to buy a electric kettle but not sure on the correct specification, which voltage type do we buy? Where does it plug into in the Cali and do we need a plug adapter? Also is the voltage different on electrical hookup than using the leisure battery when not connected to hookup ?
Sorry such a basic question but don't want to make wrong choice.
Hi Roadrunner,

An electric kettle requires a lot of current to boil water and so can only be used when you are on hook up. Use the 13 amp socket on the side of the kitchen.

Make sure that the hook up is a 10amp supply though. Some sites only offer a 6amp supply and this will trip when you plug your kettle in.

I use an electric camping kettle 850 watts ideal in the cali
We use this one after a forum member recommended it and it's really good.
It's quiet, takes up little space and can make 3-4 large cuppas quite quickly. No funny taste either to the water. It takes about 6 amps current, never had a problem with tripping so far. It is about £17. :thumb
Like the others say you can only boil a kettle when on hookup anyway - so we found the major consideration was the size of the kettle rather than the power (obviously within reason some home kettles are very high wattage!)

You can get little 12v kettles, but these are rubbish - especially when you have the gas :)
We always carry a low powered kettle to try to get value for money if on hook up. When leaving site we fill a large flask up to see us through the day.

You can always store stuff inside the kettle to save a bit of space. :)
We have a Kampa Bubble low wattage kettle for use when on hook up. Great little kettle and doesn't take up much space
I normally carry a small 'travel' type 240v kettle, but as it's a duplication (of the one I have for the gas hob) I think it is going to get 'culled' and left at home. Even in my van (high top, LWB) I think the space may be better used for other stuff (more wine) although I do like getting my money's worth for the hook up charge.
Having cables (trailing around) and boiling water also seems an unnecessary risk.
Anyone purchased the Hot Top electric travel kettle and have reviews of quality etc.
It’s 0.8 lt, so perfect for 3 cups.
600 watt, so unlikely to trip whilst on hook up.
And metal skin, so no ‘plasticky’ tasting water.
We already have an Outwell (1.5 lt ) Collapsable kettle for the gas hob, but we’re considering this as back up and value added on ‘hook up’.
The kettle you describe is fine for 2/3 cups as you say. 600 watts is also good. We've used a similar item for the last six years with no trip. :cheers :cool:
Just a low wattage 240v travel kettle, got ours from a charity shop for a few quid.
We have used an all Stainless Kampa Cascade 1litre 240v Low wattage 'cordless' kettle for the past 3 years when on EHU. Good enough too to use at home.
They have up to date versions on the Club Shop site. about £25 these days.

VW California Club
