electric sliding door



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
Hello all. I'm on one of my 5 month trips in my Cali going through France this time. Very frequently now the sliding door won't close and the sound of rejection is loud which could be disturbing to others who may have gone to bed early (I'm a night owl) I gave oiled and cleaned both runners and wondered if anyone has any other suggestion? Is there a way to turn off the sound it makes when it does close? I've read the manual of course but no help.
Another problem I've noticed is a lot of water pooling in the front corners of the roof when there's heavy rain and the roof is up. The water is enough to soak a towel Anyone else having that problem.
I read the posts on closing the roof and preventing the canvas getting caught in the scissors like closure when it is windy outside. I haven't been near a dealer so haven't seen the "lasso" type of assistant but I did buy some elastic and tied it around the centre of the roof when open and it stays in place and always seems to pull it inwards. I travel alone and if I'm pushing the close button it saves stopping every few minutes although I do check it twice during closure.
By the way some of the French really drive much too fast even on narrow roads and one of them approaching me at speed went right in to my left mirror destroying it and the electrics in it. VW at Arles and Marseille were not at all helpful and suggested that I might have to hang around until after Les Vacances which would have been about 2 months in one place as I find it too dangerous to drive without a mirror being unable to see passing cars and also in round abouts, when backing in to campsites etc. I had to order it from Germany My cali is under warranty as it was bought last year. After paying 100 euros for express DHL the package came to Marseille overnight from Germany but then they didn't deliver it for 5 days. None of the French were at all surprised about that and the garage who put it on for me said that they routinely wait 3 or 4 weeks for a part. Just for info on anyone coming through France.
Sorry to here about your French trauma.

On the sliding door there is no way to turn the sound off - unless you physically break the buzzer! (I think it is buried deep inside the door)

Some people have problems with their doors which need the dealers to sort.

But to be honest we have one and it is fine - the safety mechanism is very sensitive so if you get any crud in the runner it does get annoying. I just give mine a squirt with the pressure washer when I clean the van - you have to be careful not to soak the inside of the van.

If we are touring then a baby wipe down the runners can also help. We don't have a baby but IMHO baby wipes are an essential camping item, they clean EVERYTHING!

I am not sure oiling the rollers is a good idea as it might just collect dust into oily clumps.

We almost always get problems in France - probably because of dust in the warm climate.

French drivers can be mad, but on the plus side there are plenty of road in France that have very few drivers on them!

Hope that helps

We have a love/hate relationship with our door!

We will generally turn it off when camping though for the beeping reason and battery drain as we're mainly not hooked-up
we came the the conclusion that its best to turn off the door motor when camping, it's just too noisy in the night, and often we want it left ajar on warm evenings with the awning attached.

and I'd agree regarding the use of lubricant on the runners etc, it;s best to keep them clean and dry rather than greased as the grease will turn into gritty grinding paste. better to make a point of asking your VW service centre to ensure it's well serviced and they will use the correct product to lubricate the mechanisms.

if you really do need to use some lube, then ensure it's a PTFE dry lube, i.e. one that leaves a useful non greasy lube layer.
We hate the electric door, I really wish it was not on the van as it is another thing to go wrong ( and they all do go wrong at some point) , also the beeping is crazy especially on a quiet campsite late at night.

This is one option I would never ever get again!
Thank you very much for all the answers. France is wet this year with rain daily this week so it is easy to keep wiping off the door runners. I have found that it is best to keep my hand on the door as it is closing and give it a little assistance. That seems to work as I was having to try to close it so many times when it is turned on to automatic.
I agree with you on the baby wipes - I use them all the time for quick cleaning. The other little problem I am having this year is with the igniter or the gas - it hasn't worked all trip so I just use matches.
I'm so glad that I tied that elastic around my open roof though. It prevents that billowing out effect.
I am interested to read of people turning the door motor off.

How do I do that?
Thanks again I did try pushing the button on the dash that opens and closes the door but it is still automatic and the sound of closing is still there. It is not covered in the book.
A different question. I bought one of those nice chamois at the meeting and it says on it not to use any soap to clean it but it looks very dirty. Anyone know how to keep it clean? Still another one - the windscreen cover from VW is rather hopeless - I don't know why they changed it from those nice ones on earlier models. I want to buy some better ones and wonder is it best to get ones for outside or the suction ones for inside??? If I was in England I'd be closer to all of you on the forum and wouldn't be asking all these questions on line. Thanks.
You should have two button on the dash for the electric door. If its the same as mine, the top one operates the door and the bottom one switches the door between electric and manual.

We have an external cover and find it really good. Especially when camping in the winter as removes all condensation.
Thanks Cali Man. Does your external cover dry out quickly?
No worries.

We have a cover from http://www.silverscreens.co.uk/ *other screens are available and there can sometimes be some amusing discussions related to which is best :D

Water just runs off so it dries very quickly indeed. Unless I put it away whilst it is raining, the outside is normally dry, so all it needs is to lay it out for a few minutes whilst you put the roof down or gather up the hookup lead. That is normally enough to dry it.

If I'm putting it away immediately after a dumping of rain, I use a washing mitt to dry it quickly; just a couple of wipes to get the worst off (I also use the same mitt to pat the bellows dry with (again, just getting rid of the worst of the water)

You can happily put the cover away soaking wet as it comes with a good waterproof bag. Just make sure that the closed end is downwards when stowed!
Thanks again. Excellent reply. I'll look in to it at Silver Screens.
Re: screens

Hi Aileen
I initially bought the brandup internal screens but you get lots of condensation on those if used inside. Now a use a silverscreen on the outside-obviously nut much use if wildcamping or trying yo avoid being seen parked up in a residential area etc. I would try and get into a shady spot in that case and just use the cloth internal screens which came with the Cali.
When are you back from France?
Thanks, I will be back from France towards the end of Sept. It depends on when my daughter will arrive in Ireland. I'm thinking of meeting her in Wexford and both of us will drive to Kerry.
We have a love/hate relationship with our door!

We will generally turn it off when camping though for the beeping reason and battery drain as we're mainly not hooked-up

We‘re exactly the same and always turn off the electric sliding door when on site

VW California Club
