Ferries to Iceland !



Would really love to go to Iceland but am put off by the cost of vehicle hire etc.

Anybody know whether a sensible ferry option exists?

Don't know but everything is expensive in Iceland - but you should still go if you can, it's an amazing magical place.

If you get there, please try to recover some of the billions they stole from British depositors in their dodgy banks.
Iceland is a stunning country, well worth the visit.

I haven't used it (we flew there), but there are Ferries, but they run from Denmark or Norway I think and go via the Faroe Islands. Try here: http://www.smyrilline.com/

I believe that the ferry is quite pricey, but then it is quite a long crossing.
gatvol said:
If you get there, please try to recover some of the billions they stole from British depositors in their dodgy banks.
That would be the investors that all went for the maximum possible return without too much thought about risks. I thought most UK investors got their cash back from the UK government. I could give them a slap with a wet fish and restart the cod wars :)

While I am at it i will demand an additional discount from VW as the allied governments bank rolled VW after the war. Got to be woth a few grand off the price.
I had about 10k in an Icelandic bank - brilliant rates - and got it all back, no worries. Private investors we I believe ok in the main.
gatvol said:
If you get there, please try to recover some of the billions they stole from British depositors in their dodgy banks.

Probably just getting their own back for us invading them in the second war. ;)
Seriously, we flew there earlier this year and were so taken with it that we have decided to take the van for hopefully a couple of months in the next year or so.
The ferry from Denmark is expensive so it's worth going for as long as possible. We were warned of horrendous cost but apart from alcohol we didn't find it any worse than most European countries. Stunning varied scenery and friendly people.
On our to do list too. Looks best to go up via Shetland, then hop to the Faeroes and turn left!
Smyril lines do some of this....
I didn't think the Ferry ran from the Shetland Islands anymore?


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