Fitting bellows Bungee



Guest User
Hi, the roof bellows on my Ocean was recently replaced under warranty as last summer it was becoming detached in top front corner and despite being pushed back in by dealer, 2 weeks later it detached again. I left it throughout the summer/autumn and just pushed it back in each time as we wanted to use it as often as possible.

Dealer replaced bellows under warranty without any drama when I contacted them and they were very good in the work they did.

The new bellows isn’t as tight as original (which always seemed immensely tensioned) when roof raised but also doesn’t yet seem to fold in quite as well either when roof lowered so I’ve purchased a bellows bungee for the first time.

My question is; How tight should bellows bungee be and how do I gauge this. I bought from club shop but no instructions with it. Any advice appreciated. It clearly needs to be tight enough to ensure bellows folds in when roof lowers but I don’t want it too tight for fear of it pulling canvas out of roof channel.

Many thanks.
You only need it so you can easily get your hand under it on the corners it doesn’t need to be tight

VW California Club
