FIVE people camping in a Cali?



VIP Member
manchester UK
T5 SE 180
Yes, I know I said 5. We have three kids and didn't want to get a massive van we couldn't use as a second car.

Anyone got any tips?

So far for us it has been good. OK it is cramped but it just means we have to put up an awning (Khyam) every time and that gives us tons of room for stuff, including the 5th seat when we are camping. We fight over who sleeps in the awning (usually dad) and it is a bit of a squeeze when everyone wants to cram in the van but then again we can sit in the awning around the camp table when it rains.

The main pleasant surprise has been how useful the 5th seat has been. It is easy to put in and out (although very very heavy) and the best thing is it swivels through 180 degrees. The kids seem to prefer having it face backwards so they put their feet up and have more legroom/kicking fights.

we also have to be quite careful about how much stuff we take and where it goes. But to anyone considering a Cali for 5 I would say it is posible, with an awning.

...and then when I go away on my own or with one mate it is luxury! space for everything
Good effort :thumb I have two teenage girls and 4 people for me is a challenge :laugh2
But like you say pack sensibly and it's doable. All part of the fun I suppose.
We sleep 5 easily all the time with the awning.

I was just going to start a new thread, but this seems to fit the bill.

I would like to sleep all 5 of us. 3 children 10, 8 and 18months. This weekend without taking an awning.

The weather looks changeable, so we were thinking of a quick trip on Saturday afternoon down to the new forest, and then on to Bournmouth for the VW show at Boscombe on Sunday. I would like to travel lite, no awning, but with a small pup tent to drop in the child car seat and 5th seat.

We can sleep 2 adults downstairs and 2 children in the roof....

Any thoughts how to sleep the 18month old? (and dog if we take her....)
I've heard of people turning the front seats such that the seat backs are against the doors - and then putting a makeshift hammock in place...
Or leave the seats facing forward and use one of these

We camped next to a Dutch family in a Cali in France last year, 3 kids in the roof and mum and dad 'downstairs' - they seemed well organized but it must be cramped. Two and a dog is enough for us!
Homock in the front looks good any ideas where I get one.....?
We are a family of five and go all over Europe in our Cali's. Obviously we have the Khyam for space.

My 4 and 6 year old's sleep upstairs, my 12 year old sleep down stairs and My wife and I sleep on a very confortable double camp bed with topper in the awning.

It is like a military operation when packing but we have got it down to a fine art now :thumb

When we remove the 5th seat we use it a storage top/table in the awning
sorry but i cant remember the exact details but try google vwbunks.
the swcampers bunk is silly money. - Tailor made beds & more for your VW T4 & T5 van
just found the proper name. we have had one of these for years.
We use a cab bunk for our 3 year old. We rotate the passenger seat round but leave the driver's seat as is. This way you can check on him easily and also lets you climb into the pop top easily.This works well with our Beach for weekends. If we want the little one to sleep while we are up, we drape a blanket from the roof bed to act as a curtain. For longer stays we have a drive away awning for me and the wife. The cab bunk is the one from VW Beds, and while basic looking it works; only slight hitch is that it is long when broken down for transport but does fit through the drawer hole of the rear bench. All in all, we have found a solution to our weekend trips that saves pitching an awning. We do have a sun canopy to give us external shelter, which also gives us a cooking and dining spot 'al fresco'. We wanted the convenience of camping with a campervan but some more space when the weather was fine.
Ooh great post...glad I found this! I was starting to worry about how much stuff we're accumulating already and realising just how much room 5 sleeping bags, awning, cooker, etc are going to take up before we even start thinking about clothing, food, and other paraphernalia!
Ours are 8,6,4 and hoping if we need to do a 1-night stop we can all camp in the van...I was presuming all 3 kids would be upstairs but that cab bunk looks good. I think we might give it a try without first and see how we get on before we shell out any more money (& have to pack up even more stuff!). I think we're going to do an overnight stay in our local campsite in early spring to try out all the kit before we try out anything further afield...
BMVS-Camper-Hire said:
We are a family of five and go all over Europe in our Cali's. Obviously we have the Khyam for space.

My 4 and 6 year old's sleep upstairs, my 12 year old sleep down stairs and My wife and I sleep on a very confortable double camp bed with topper in the awning.

It is like a military operation when packing but we have got it down to a fine art now :thumb

When we remove the 5th seat we use it a storage top/table in the awning
Hopefully see you at the spring South East meet Oli and I can pick your brains on packing advice then!

VW California Club
