Flashing van graphic in overhead unit



VIP Member
Hello Volks!
Not heard that one before i bet - sorry couldn't resist.
Could anybody help with advice on a flashing campervan symbol in the overhead display unit?
It happened once in Italy with 40+ degrees which was fine as it stopped once we got to go cooler climates, suggesting the hydraulics were getting a little hot, as written in the manual.
However, recently it has done it again. She has been sat doing very little for a few months now. When I opened the roof it said it needed to be started, obviously the battery was low. And maybe that is why it is flashing still?
I'm just nervous that something potentially expensive is wrong?
Could anybody shed any light on this?
Thanks, Jon
Hi Jon. We're in the panel is the flashing van. Left,right or middle at the top :?:
Hi there,
It is flashing on the right hand side of the display, half way up?
Ta, Jon
I had the same problem with a flashing roof open graphic after 40 degree temperatures, my dealer ran a diagnostic check and the graphic has returned to its normal non flashing roof closed appearance. The dealer said it flashes to warn the customer to get the hydraulics checked if the hydraulics overheat.

VW California Club
