Free wheeling mode



Can anyone help with this topic, a supplement manual mentions I can switch on "freewheeling" where the DSG box disengages when lifting off the throttle, saving fuel and not engine breaking BUT I'm not getting the option on the display that the manual mentions......any ideas...?

FYI - just got the vehicle 180DSG 4Motion last Saturday after a 3 month wait...after being told it would be the last quarter of this year before we saw in time for summer...but I think I blinked....David Ladbrooke + Breeze in Poole was great dealing with the order.....
I don't think the 4motion does this due to the drivetrain (looked for it on mine too)
It's not something I've ever heard of and I've had a few DSG/S-Tronic cars.

I don't see how it'll have much effect on fuel consumption/economy to be honest. In modern engines it's counter productive to free wheel with the clutch disengaged, in this mode the inline will run at idle and consume fuel whereas in gear with zero throttle the fuel supply is cut.
Did not know the DSG could do this ??....what extra manual do you have that indicates this ?

When in Europe I did free wheel a lot when in suitable terrain, I move the shift into ' N '
BerndRos said:
When in Europe I did free wheel a lot when in suitable terrain, I move the shift into ' N '

That will not save fuel. As I posted above, if the gear selector is in N or if you depressed the clutch on a manual gearbox to coast you will still use fuel to keep the engine idling whereas if the engine is allowed to run with a gear selected the throttle demand is nil so the fuel will be cut off and the engine speed maintained by the motion of the vehicle moving.

Having read and digested the various manuals last night I would suggest you might also want to read page 218 of the owners manual which specifically states "Never allow the vehicle to roll down mountains or hills in the neutral position N." and page 219 which says in bold under NOTICE "Never allow the vehicle to roll in Position N, particularly if the ignition is switched off. The automatic gearbox will not be lubricated and could be damaged."

For the OP I've not got DSG so perhaps I don't have the supplement you have, I can't find any mention of it in the manual I have.
There is something in the VW handbook about this, I remember reading it when I first picked up my new van. I think it has to be set up/programmed by the dealer on request.
It was specific to the DSG, will have another look at the handbook.


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