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French speeding

Just found this.

  • There’s a five percent speed tolerance
  • They’re not painted in bright colours
  • There are signs to warn that they’re up ahead
  • If caught speeding, the fine WILL reach you
  • There are over 2,000 fixed cameras on French roads
“Year in and year out, UK holidaymakers driving abroad are advised to mug up on the road laws they are visiting,” said AA president, Edmund King.

“And now we know from official statistics that the French police are on a mission to chase up fines from British drivers before Brexit. Whether you’re driving in the UK or France, if you stay within the limit you’ll keep out of trouble.”
So true
However irksome and petty speed limits are if you break the rules you can rightly expect to be punished
That’s democracy
As an artic driver if we are caught speeding we are disciplined by the company as well
Tachograph infringement, wasting fuel by driving to fast , getting the company or with the public
Stick to the limits and save money on fines and fuel
A mate of ours lives in France and also has a flat here in the UK. when he first moved out, most of his cars were still UK registered and he picked up a speeding ticket that was sent to his UK address.
Time passed and he just ignored it, he had been back a forward a few times until one day he had to show his passport on the french side as they were doing extra checks leaving the port at Caen(normally you just drive out).
because he had to lean over to the passenger window he unclipped his seatbelt and then drove off to clear the booth and was just about to reattach the seatbelt when a Gendarme waved him to the side of the road and booked him for the lack of seatbelt, whilst doing this ticket he did a check and found the outstanding speeding ticket! The Gendarme said the fine had to be paid immediately and made him drive (escorted) to a cashpoint and withdraw the cash.
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If you are on the road all alone, not one law must be created.
Laws are created to give you an indication how to behave to other people.
The same with your car: how do you react when you come across another car? You drive this speed, you drive on this side of the road, you use indicators to show others what you are planning to do, you give away from this side when no stop sign, ....

Once you do not follow the road code, you are just being selfish, not caring about other road users, causing an accident in the end.
If you are alone on the road, you could think you don't need to use the laws, but you never know when you are going to meet another road user.

So speeding, knowing that you were, us just saying f**k you all, I am here, and everyone else just have to cope with my behaviour, because I won't keep you in mind.

But, I am not holier than the pope, but getting a ticket because you were speeding and you knew it, just pay that extra ££ for going faster than the others.
Just see it as an extra péage in France.
I also had a fine in France a few weeks back, but no complaints. 45 euros and no points is very reasonable compared to the UK, the fine was with me within 2 weeks of the offence, and it was a simple procedure to pay. I’m happy to accept I committed the offence, and if I felt I hadn’t I would have gone through the appeals process, which does involve initially paying a higher fine than the 45 euro option. Having lived in France previously I have a lot more faith in the fairness of the system over there than I do of the UK’s system, where even a parking fine or a minor stray into a bus lane to avoid an obstruction costs an arm and a leg, with zero chance of winning an appeal.But the experience has highlighted there are more cameras in France nowadays, so I will focus more closely on my speed next time.

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