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Hi, we are about to go there next week. I was considering to take in Austria the Glossglockner Hochalpenstrasse (high alpine road) which runs just a couple km more east and also arrives to Lienz
Did you consider that road? Or was it too crowded.. It's supposed to be very nice and you drive up to 2800m
Hello Zeratul, oh great news! Look forward to your review of the camp!
Yes, I once drove this Hochalpinstrasse. It was great! I remember that it was indeed very crowded (big and small campers, "normal" cars and bikes) and the price was pretty expensive (€35.-) or maybe I am just little spoiled because in Switzerland we only habe to pay once (CHF 40.-) and there are a lot of Alpine Streets (Gotthard, Furka, San Bernodino...)

However, take this wonderful road (maybe only on your way to Slovenia and then decide on your on if its worth driving it the other way too.