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Good morning from Jen and Albert



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West Sussex
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Overnighted in Perth on our way to Lochinver.

Albert, rather travel stained after 600 miles of salty highways, Jen rather wine stained after a midway stop in Cheshire with highly convivial family.

Good news is that after my very gobby two weeks you will now all hear less from me as we are now doing it rather than talking about it :D

I will post some pics en route ....

Now, AWAY MacAlbert! The north awaits .........Albert - Perth.jpg

Overnight on a Britstop near Perth ....
Enjoy your trip jen safe travels:thumb
Enjoy your trip, Jen and Albert!
Plenty of photos please :)

A last minute change of plan to my itinerary saw me reverse direction ... Aren't cali's wonderful for spontaneity!

Albert took me to a top secret location in the far north of Scotland overlooking an island called Stroma. Apparently no one goes there so was ok to wild-camp ...

Strange place to find gift shops, hotels and visitor centres ...

wildcamp in Scotland.jpg

MacAlbert! Now where have you taken me to ????
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Jen, where did you get the rather 70s Dr Who style alien detector for the Cali in your photo?

Does it unfurl when you open the roof? And does it collapse flat so you can store it there or do you have to have it hanging up in the van somewhere? Can I buy one in the forum store?

On second thoughts it could be a butler tracker I guess if you have your butler wired up with a location pinger...

Looking forward to trying out the Perth Britstop on our journey to the far north in March. Hope you didn't leave them dry:shocked
A last minute change of plan to my itinerary saw me reverse direction ... Aren't cali's wonderful for spontaneity!

Albert took me to a top secret location in the far north of Scotland overlooking an island called Stroma. Apparently no one goes there so was ok to wild-camp ...

Strange place to find gift shops, hotels and visitor centres ...

View attachment 6753

MacAlbert! Now where have you taken me to ????
I know exactly where, hope you had a pleasant trip. Nice to meet you yesterday :thumb
Will be up there this summer as my auntie lives down the road in Castletown. Been up that way a few times just not with a Cali, so this year it'll be some wild camping down the west coast on the way back.
Keep us posted on places you stop at :thumb
Jen, where did you get the rather 70s Dr Who style alien detector for the Cali in your photo?

Does it unfurl when you open the roof? And does it collapse flat so you can store it there or do you have to have it hanging up in the van somewhere? Can I buy one in the forum store?

On second thoughts it could be a butler tracker I guess if you have your butler wired up with a location pinger...

Looking forward to trying out the Perth Britstop on our journey to the far north in March. Hope you didn't leave them dry:shocked

I borrowed the alien detector from the people running the gift shop. It comes free with every three Haggls, neeps and tatties pies that you buy. The butler does not need a tracker. He is tagged.

Thoroughly recommend the Perth Britstop. 1 minute from the A9, lots to buy, fine range of whiskey, local liqueur shop make their own MacBaileys, restaurant is a bit standard but very good for price and quality, lousy selection of wines but they did have a shiraz that I ultimately found acceptable.
I know exactly where, hope you had a pleasant trip. Nice to meet you yesterday :thumb

Quite nostalgic for me.

I've stood under that signpost three times, once arriving on foot, twice departing.

The main car park was too exposed and obvious but a quick interrogation of a woman walking her dog revealed that the other side of the gift shop the diabled bays are empty as everywhere was closed, and hidden from the road. It also had an advantage that the toilets, which were open, were only a few yards away.

Stopped off for a nice cup of tea and a piece of Walkers shortcake on the shores of loch eriboll. All served in my very best melamine of course ....
Hi Jen,

Head off on the west side of Kyle of Tongue for some great little coves at the end of single track.

Also just in case it passed you by, new drink drive laws in Scotland mean that ANY amount of booze is risky, even cough medicine... but the cops are hottest of early morning breath test to catch folk after the night before.......
Hi Jen,
Also just in case it passed you by, new drink drive laws in Scotland mean that ANY amount of booze is risky, even cough medicine... but the cops are hottest of early morning breath test to catch folk after the night before.......
Plus :( even if you're not driving, if you've been drinking and you're in the van you can get done for being in charge of the vehicle ... stick to tea!
Not if you have the seats turned round and a front windscreen cover in place though! (local PC informed me...)
I hope that's true, otherwise the evenings can get very long :)
Plus :( even if you're not driving, if you've been drinking and you're in the van you can get done for being in charge of the vehicle ... stick to tea![/QUOTE
Hi Jen,

Head off on the west side of Kyle of Tongue for some great little coves at the end of single track.

Also just in case it passed you by, new drink drive laws in Scotland mean that ANY amount of booze is risky, even cough medicine... but the cops are hottest of early morning breath test to catch folk after the night before.......

Just been there :)

Without getting into the minutia of what the police can do and can't do, which has been discussed on many forums ad nauseum...

A bit of common sense. If parking on a public highway, or what can be construed as a public highway, then you can be charged with being over the limit whilst in charge of a motor vehicle. In practice it would depend very much on circumstances. Common sense says don't drink in those circumstances.

If wild camping and in a situation where the police or others may ask you to move on, or where there is a possibility that for other reasons that you may wish to move on in a hurry, then common sense - and a good sense of self-survival - says don't drink.

If I'm on private property such as a CL or Campsite, then I can drink but if I'm going to be driving in the morning then my own sense of self-survival, for me, others and my driving license, says don't move on until sober, which for me means negligible alcohol.

Each to their own what risks they may want to take but as my vehicle is often in France so it's stashed with breathalysers and I do use them, as for example, last Sunday when I set off after a merry night with family.
My 12 yr old says it looks really cool where you are. Just for info the breathalyser situation in France has changed. You cannot be held up for not having one.
I tend to buy those small bottles of wine if it is just me. You can get some good ones these days and that is my limit. Have to be careful as the dog tends to do stuff that requires an emergency vet visit usually in the middle of the night.....sadly last visit only last Friday when he decided to have a fit at 11.30pm....ÂŁ120 later at emergency vet he was right as rain and they could find nothing wrong of course.
My 12 yr old says it looks really cool where you are. Just for info the breathalyser situation in France has changed. You cannot be held up for not having one.
I tend to buy those small bottles of wine if it is just me. You can get some good ones these days and that is my limit. Have to be careful as the dog tends to do stuff that requires an emergency vet visit usually in the middle of the night.....sadly last visit only last Friday when he decided to have a fit at 11.30pm....ÂŁ120 later at emergency vet he was right as rain and they could find nothing wrong of course.

Thank you Judith

Give Charlotte a big hug from me
Hi Jen.... I must say you know how to pick a room with a view! Good to see Albert in his natural habitat.
Dear GrannyJen , could you please stop posting those pictures , it 's not even wednesday , some have to work the whole week....:confused:
Glad someone is enjoying ...i just got back from work...
Btw , goodmorning posted at 2 pm.....had a party last knight?
We lived in Scotland for a year but did not make it as far north as you have!

So what do people in Tongue do for amusement?