On the road again ...

Jen. I was told recently that you can't overnight in a camper van on Lindisfarne. Is this True?
Yes Bob,

Big notices everywhere, no overnight parking.

Nice Britstop just down the road at Craster though.
Good afternoon from Flamborough Head.

Albert's sort of country, rugged and craggy.

Albert's a bit like the car park .... messy and dirty....

Flamborough head.jpg
Did you call at Filey Jen?
Some of my earliest memories are of Filey beach.
Our kids are the 6th generation of our family (that I definitely know of) to have played on Filey beach:)
Hi Archie,

Yes, I called at Filey, looked for the old RAF camp ... family memories :)

This is my childhood memory .... Roker beach, Sunderland. I was a "mackem" for 10 days, then moved to London but always went "home" to Roker and it is a very, very special place for me.

I always cry when I am here, a big place in my heart, the only bright spot in an otherwise desperately unhappy childhood

Hi Jen,
Looks a bit grim from your picture, no wonder Albert is quaking about the tide. Presumably you saw Bamburgh Castle, wonderful sight.
Have a great trip and hope that you are still in fine fettle.
Hi Jen,
Looks a bit grim from your picture, no wonder Albert is quaking about the tide. Presumably you saw Bamburgh Castle, wonderful sight.
Have a great trip and hope that you are still in fine fettle.

I always get "castled out" when I travel the Northumberland coast, which for an Historian is saying something :D

These days all we hear about are house building programmes to create housing and jobs, I think the Percy's must have encouraged a "castle building programme" for the same reasons. Although Bamburgh, at least the modern one, post dates the Percy's old Harry Hotspur would have been proud of it :)
Thanks Jen.
Bye the way. When you stayed at the Strickland Arms, Great Strickland, did you find it in the Britstop book? The reason I ask is I recommended it to Britstop and they say if you recommend a place they will give you a copy of the current book. Thought I'd ask before I splash out my pension on a new copy;).
Hi Bob

Yes, got it from Britstops.

Since the start of this year I have stopped mostly in Britstops, best book I have ever bought.
Thanks Jen.
My wife comes from Sunderland. Lived for a while on the edge of Roker Park. That's the Park not the football ground. We go back there quite often, in fact she is there now visiting her Mother (Mothering Sunday). Our dog minders live on the road at the top of the park.
Have a Fun
Enjoy I will be heading up there at Easter on my way to to Glencoe hopefully still some snow up there:)

A place to leave town quick?

No, I had an email this morning querying my insurance.

Whilst in Mablethorpe I took the opportunity of visiting a nationally acclaimed consultancy on aspects of insurance advice.,

I'm glad I did.

I was met by a lovely gentleman


The seal sanctuary North of Mablethorpe. It does outstanding work for all sorts of injured and abandoned wildlife but it's efforts are primarily towards saving injured seals and abandoned Seal pups found on the Lincolnshire coast.
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VW California Club
