Got a confirmed build week - how long from there?



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Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, UK
Westy Sven Hedin
Hi everyone

Well it has finally happened!!

We ordered back in mid October and finally we have got a confirmed build week of number 4, 2018. Apparently this is w/c Sunday 21st Jan.

How long is the typical wait after this to it being registered and delivery sorted to the customer?

(notwithstanding the current emissions / registration issue thing)

From memory, build week doesn't actually mean the week they will start building. I think it was a week later in our case. Then after it's built there's some shunting around in the yard before it is shipped to the docks. So maybe another week after that. Then depending on the weather at that time of year (I did hear of 3 or 4 weeks one year when the ships didn't work) it's another week or so to land here. A week or so for the transport folks here to get their act in gear. It'll probably sit in the dealer for up to 10 days before they tell you it's there. After all they aren't really excited - they just have to fit the prep into their busy schedules.... And then eventually you get a date for handover.

So if you're lucky 3 weeks, it you're not a couple of months. Don't forget you are the only person who cares about this...... The rest are simply passing the time of day earning minimum wage...

Sorry - a bit negative but if you'd bought a VW passenger car or Audi or merc you'd be able to track the whole experience and it might have cost half what a Cali does. When will these guys get a grip and realise that we're spending a lot of money and expect a better experience? Probably never - after all they can't build enough to meet demand.

Minor rant over - really hope you get it by week 7 but don't hold your breath itguy.

The great thing though is that regardless of this customer neglect once you've actually got it and driven out of the dealer you'll have the biggest smile on your face for the rest of your life.
How long is the typical wait
Where is @2020 freedom ? He*, and the Class of Build Week 44, 45, 46 & 47, could help with all the wonderful details of how to Hyper Stalk, how to get daily, or hourly, updates from Ishmahil (or Luke) via Live Chat with your order status codes, how to track your cargo ship by from Emden with a handy App and then how to hassle your dealer for a collection appointment which can be about 10 days after arrival at the UK port. [Opps I have told you anyway].

* is the current joint champion with an order date to collection date record of 67 days.

I have just got a build date as well. Ordered end of October and given week 2 as my build date. Interestingly this has moved forward after some last minute adding of some extras.

As original poster mentioned, any number of total time between build date and driving the Van (provided all goes as standard). I am presuming about 10-12 weeks following the build date (?3-4 weeks to build, 3-4 weeks to get to uk, 3-4 weeks uk to dealer to me driving away).

I'm here!
But still on a painfully small iPhone using data on 4g.
From confirmed build week to port of exit was 11 days (it's on a thread here somewhere but too painful to link on my phone). It was promptly shipped. Bringing the total time to arrive in sheerness to 15 days.
Then a rather long couple of weeks getting released and PDI'd
I'd feel more justified to say 4 to 6 weeks though.
Hope that helps?
I was told this week that my van is at build stage 7, anyone have any idea what that means? o_O

Whether it can be registered is another question...
build stage 7,
I've seen previous mentions on here of other California's being at 'build stage 8 of 10' for example. So still not sure what each stage is specifically - maybe a call to Luke or Ishmahil on Live Chat, or your friendly Dealer, as they could probably help break the code.
I've seen previous mentions on here of other California's being at 'build stage 8 of 10' for example. So still not sure what each stage is specifically - maybe a call to Luke or Ishmahil on Live Chat, or your friendly Dealer, as they could probably help break the code.

Was told by Ishmahil on Live Chat this week that our van (ordered end Oct. -build week 49) was at stage 7 - off production line and awaiting quality control.

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VW California Club
