Handbrake Problems



VIP Member
Hi all,

We have a 2012 Cali beach and today my hubby left it parked on a 'slight' hill whilst in the dentist. Imagine his surprise to find it had rolled down the hill and hit the wall to 2 houses at the bottom. Fortunately stopping there (& not hitting the houses) - whilst the handbrake was still on! Even more fortunate was the fact that nobody was hurt - although it only just missed a poor chap in his garden. Whilst some may say you should leave it in gear - however, this has never happened before. The other sore point is that the car has only just been MOT'd for the first time (1 month ago) and by a reputable VW dealer.

So, has anybody else had any issues like this before? If so, did you flag it into VW? Did you mention it to the dealer etc, etc? We've mentioned it to the insurers, who have said they will pursue it - but any advice would be very welcome ;)

Thank you in advance,

Always leave ours in "Park" (DSG) but have noticed it will move slightly and take up the slack in the transmission unless I give the handbrake 2 or 3 extra clicks of and above what I consider to be normal tension on the handbrake.

Few years back our son's Mk 2 VW Golf rolled down his drive, across the road and into the up and over door of the garage opposite. Fortunately no one passing at the time, but quite a bit of damage We think he forgot to put the handbrake on :D.

Wife's Mk 7 Golf has electronic handbrake which has the opposite problem - very embarrassing at the lights when it decides to stay on. :mad:
Thanks for your reply, as you say - very lucky no-one hurt with your son. That is painful for your poor wife. We don't have DSG, the policeman popped into the car, he was a 'big' man and he managed to pull it up 1 click and said that he felt there was no way the car should've moved. It's very disappointing really.
You should be able to test the handbrake by trying to drive off, it should stall the engine.
We'll give that a try - thank you. The insurance company are sending an engineer out to have a look too.
Did anyone see it happen? any chance it was pushed by another vehicle?
Some makes of vehicles have a problem that when the rear disc brakes cool down the hand brake can release slightly causing the vehicle to move especially on a hill, lt happened to my sons new Astra but it only rolled a few feet into my car ( no damage) and when l checked the hand brake was on.
Funny enough this happened to my wife in our 2013 beach on our friends steep driveway, she noticed and managed to jump in quick enough and pull the handbrake up a bit further before it was too late.. at the expense of some nasty bruising.. out of concern we took it to VW Hatfield and they found no fault and gave my Wife a Sarcastic speech about leaving it in gear.. the technician gave us the gift of oily/grease all over the steering wheel and handbrake but thats another story.

I did wonder whether it was related to the hill assist.. i.e. you park up with the foot brake on, pull the handbrake up to a level that 'feels' adequate and jump out, a few seconds later the hill assist releases and reveals the 'feel' wasn't in fact adequate and has masked the true amount of pressure the handbrake needed.. just a theory

Basically always leave it in gear on any kind of slope/hill. They are heavy vehicles and gravity will alway do it's thing
Sorry to hear about the accident, could have been a lot worse.

Prior to dsg Cali ownership I always used both hand break and left car in gear.

VW California Club
