Heat setting issue.



T6 Cali On Order

Does anyone know how I can fix this issue?

I can’t select the heat setting that I want in heat continuously mode. (Up and down don’t do anything)

To change the level I have to adjust the level in heat immediately then go back into heat continuously for it to change.

I’ve pulled the fuses out for the controller but that doesn’t help.

It’s like the controller needs a reboot or something.


I can’t offer a solution but I had the same problem after I took delivery of my new Ocean. After a couple of nights it sorted itself out and has been fine since. Fingers crossed for you.
You could try a reset.

1. Look for a 5A fuse under the front left seat. This should reset the control panel.

2. Otherwise the 4 x 25A fuses near the steering wheel. There's a diagram in recent California supplements. This will reset the control unit for the lights, water roof logic etc.

3. Your other option is to disconnect the main battery (negative is enough). But you'll get a lot of scary looking errors if you do this.

I would expect 2 to do the job.

Edit This post has illustrations. Please update your profile with your vehicle details.
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5A fuse under the front left seat and the 25A‘s near the steering wheel have been removed, the display panel does go off but the fault still remains.
think I’ll take it in, thanks all.
5A fuse under the front left seat and the 25A‘s near the steering wheel have been removed, the display panel does go off but the fault still remains.
think I’ll take it in, thanks all.

SH11 (next to SH12 marked) is apparently the air heater fuse. Should also be 25A. The document is quite difficult to interpret so YMMV.


VW California Club
