Hello from beginner from Norway! Leisure batteries not holding charge - where to start?



T5 SE 130
Hello all,

Just got my first 2007 VW California.

She's a beauty, and seems very well maintained.

However, the leisure batteries are not holding charge. 10 minutes on the auxiliary heater and the batteries drop from 100% to 10%.

I've read about the earth shunt problem, but there seems to be no backlight flickering at all.

Could it be something else? The charger? Batteries? Any tips on where to start troubleshooting, and how I eliminate on each step?

Thanks a lot!
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I would plug the van into the mains for at least 24 hrs then try the heater again. If they are the original leisure batteries then I think they
Probably have reached the end of their life.
Thanks for your swift reply Calikev!

I've tried that, actually on charge for 3 days, but same result.

Would it be cheaper to just buy new batteries, and then if that doesn't help, "dig deeper"?

How do generic batteries compare to original ones? There seems to be some significant difference in price...
I'm not sure about generic batteries. Have you access to a multimeter
If so I would charge them up take a reading then leave them a few hours then take another reading if the voltage drops below about 12v
They are knackered
The life of the leisure batteries is only 3-4 years I would buy some new ones before doing anything else!
+ 1. If they are the original leisure batteries they would need replacing whatever the ultimate problem but I would suggest they are your problem. Leisure batteries are different to the engine starter batteries because they do a different job.
I tend to agree with the others - it is likely the batteries are just too old.

Another thread has suggested that leaving a cable plugged into the low wattage socket in the van (even if the cable is not plugged into anything) leaves the inverter engaged and will run down the leisure batteries. I am sure this isn't your problem, but it might make it worse.

Hi Piddi , i think the best thing is to invest in new batteries , so you don't have to worry for the next years , the riks of ending up with flat batteries at morning ,in the middle of nowhere ... No good
By the way , welcome ....
Norway! Plannning a trip soon any inside tips ? ( perhaps in an other topic you can make us warm :cool:to vistit Norway....)
Anyone priced a new set of battery's for a Cali, out of intrest not need?
From VW they are around £175 + VAT each, I am sure from a third party they would be half that price but I don't think anyone has been able to find the correct size.

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Thanks Martin ( I thought they would have be more so not shocked at that)
I think that price is quit reasonable for the use I will get from mine. Already done 10 nights since Dec 1st.

I too plan on driving to Nordkap May/June time. According to satnav 5,000 mile round trip. Looking forward to crossing " The Bridge" to Sweden. Just plan on booking Shuttle and using Archies Camp Guide which I've downloaded to Satnav.

Let us know how you get on "piddi". :thumb
Thanks for all the feedback guys, awesome forum.

I'll buy some new batteries and see how it goes.

Next week I'll be on my first 700 km round trip (backcountry skiing in the Sunnmørs Alps).

Also bought the California Breathable Cap to keep my buddy dry and warm(er) upstairs, although I will probably be hooked up on 230V most of the time :happy

I actually plan on going to Nordkapp myself this summer (4600++ km round trip), all along the Norwegian coast. Actually I'll probably go through Sweden on my way back, as the roads are much better.

I'll be back and let you know how it goes, and with some general thoughts about Norway and the upcoming summer.
This weekend just gone, I fitted 2 new AGM Varta batteries to my 06 cali,
The old ones were the originals, so not bad,
Fitted the genuine VW ones Part number 000 915 105 CD £302 inc VAT for the pair
The most important thing with the AGM batteries is that they are kept fully charged as soon as possible,
On the mains hook up, as this is a smart charger, 12.90 volts would be a good figure to see on the control panel after leaving them for 12 hours to drain off any surface charge,
I checked for parastatic drain on the system and the control panel can draw up to 200 Ma while idle, so there is a constant drain on the leisure batteries,So very important to keep them topped up as they are not cheap.
Thanks for the info v-tec.

Sorry for the late reply otherwise.

Just a quick update before I plan to make a new thread about the big summer road trip to Nordkapp.

I've been on several ski trips with the Cali, and so far so good. The top cap from Campervantastic has kept things warm and dry, even at almost -10 degrees celsius. Been hooked up to 230V most of the time though.

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Nice pics in the snow , have you got any problems at that themps below zero with frozen freshwatertank or wastewatertank ? Or where they empty at te time?
Hi piddi, I'll probably miss you at Nordkapp as I'm off there starting May 15th, via Sweden. 5000 miles or 8000 km from South Wales. Would like to hear about the route North via Norway.
Enjoy your trip.
We planning heading to Norway first three weeks of june , don't got any clue yet how we gonne drive....any tips are more then welcome
Was intending to drive up Denmark take the frerry to Norway and take the coast to see how high we will be getting to make it back in three weeks .
Never been up north and want to see the coastline first as i think the rest of Norway and Sweden will be justvdrivng thru many forrests?
Norway does allows freecamping , yes? Will sure visit campings but hopefully not every night.
@hotel california T5

Funny you should ask about the tanks. I actually forgot to empty the freshwater tank before my last trip, so everything froze. It didn't seem to do any structural damage though. However the fresh water tank gauge in the panel seems to be stuck at half tank, no matter how much water is in there. So any tips or tricks on that would be appreciated.

Regarding routes to Nordkapp, we plan on going through Sweden (and a bit of Finland) on our way north, since the roads are better and faster. Link to route: http://goo.gl/ExRvCm

Then cruise back down the coast for about 2.5 weeks. I'm doing research as we speak on the details, as I honestly don't know that much about a lot of the areas we'll be going through.

Like i mentioned, I'll start another fresh thread about that when there is more of a clear plan.
You can open the tank to check if the gauge is damaged .
Not easy , opening the turning cap on top of the water tank gives acces to the gauge.
Opening the lid can be dificult , there is a special tool disigned by Brandrup to open the lid but many just use a pice of wood a hammer and a gentle touch.....
Acces tru the rear cabinet in the booth where the gasbotle sits
Some tipt to open the tankdop on the outside to let the pressure of letting more air in helping it to open easyer...
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This weekend just gone, I fitted 2 new AGM Varta batteries to my 06 cali,
The old ones were the originals, so not bad,
Fitted the genuine VW ones Part number 000 915 105 CD £302 inc VAT for the pair
The most important thing with the AGM batteries is that they are kept fully charged as soon as possible,
On the mains hook up, as this is a smart charger, 12.90 volts would be a good figure to see on the control panel after leaving them for 12 hours to drain off any surface charge,
I checked for parastatic drain on the system and the control panel can draw up to 200 Ma while idle, so there is a constant drain on the leisure batteries,So very important to keep them topped up as they are not cheap.

Hi I have just been quoted £555 to replace the two leisure batteries (2009 Cali SE) at Lightcliffe Volkswagen (Llandudno Junction) was the £302 for replacement of the two batteries or just one? Where did you have this work done?
Many thanks , Maurice

Oh, I forgot to answer. YES Norway is awesome when it comes to camping. You can pretty much stop and camp wherever.

VW California Club
