Hello, with a new Ascot grey Coast..



T6.1 Coast 150
Just to say Hi. After a year waiting, we took delivery of our new Coast last month but so far, only enjoyed jaunts out to our local beaches here in Scotland. Its still been very enjoyable for dog walks, snacks, coffees and games in our nice new mobile living room. We don't need to worry quite so much about fuel costs as we don't need to go too far for beautiful East Lothian and Northumberland scenery
Just to say Hi. After a year waiting, we took delivery of our new Coast last month but so far, only enjoyed jaunts out to our local beaches here in Scotland. Its still been very enjoyable for dog walks, snacks, coffees and games in our nice new mobile living room. We don't need to worry quite so much about fuel costs as we don't need to go too far for beautiful East Lothian and Northumberland scenery
:welcomeSurf side coast,

nice forum name, unfortunately your obligatory photos seem to have been omitted from you first post ?
Just to say Hi. After a year waiting, we took delivery of our new Coast last month but so far, only enjoyed jaunts out to our local beaches here in Scotland. Its still been very enjoyable for dog walks, snacks, coffees and games in our nice new mobile living room. We don't need to worry quite so much about fuel costs as we don't need to go too far for beautiful East Lothian and Northumberland
Welcome! Another newish Ascot Coast owner here. Based in Kent, but been exploring your lovely scenery over the last week too. Edinburgh earlier in the week and the Highlands currently. Only wish we could stay longer. What a minefield remembering to wave at all the vans. Apologies to all those who waved at me this week and I only realised just as you disappeared behind me:oops:
Welcome, enjoying our Coast as well. Looking forward to coming home on holiday to Scotland in June.
I want to also come and park on Kinghorne shoreline front (where I nearly bought a house) but I am not risking the salt air there or salt wave storms. But I am looking forward to our trip! the thing is how protected is the coast from salt spray etc.? looking in the engine bay and the exposed wires and overall build I think it is is very poor indeed. What are they thinking in VW? take a look, how many exposed wires (most importantly their ends) can you see just opening the engine hood? It is a pretty poor sight on a new vehicle.
I want to also come and park on Kinghorne shoreline front (where I nearly bought a house) but I am not risking the salt air there or salt wave storms. But I am looking forward to our trip! the thing is how protected is the coast from salt spray etc.? looking in the engine bay and the exposed wires and overall build I think it is is very poor indeed. What are they thinking in VW? take a look, how many exposed wires (most importantly their ends) can you see just opening the engine hood? It is a pretty poor sight on a new vehicle.
I am thinking of applying wax or something to cover these exposed ends.
I want to also come and park on Kinghorne shoreline front (where I nearly bought a house) but I am not risking the salt air there or salt wave storms. But I am looking forward to our trip! the thing is how protected is the coast from salt spray etc.? looking in the engine bay and the exposed wires and overall build I think it is is very poor indeed. What are they thinking in VW? take a look, how many exposed wires (most importantly their ends) can you see just opening the engine hood? It is a pretty poor sight on a new vehicle.
I know I’d Dinitrol the underside if I parked it outside on the coast
:welcome from another Ascot Coast owner (and loving it).

VW California Club
