Help - Cali Exclusive Electronics Issue?



Vermont, USA
T4 Hightop
I am brand new to the forum - just bought a 1995 California Exclusive yesterday. I am from the US and this van was imported to Canada from Japan and I'm sure it is one of very few here in North America if the only one at all! I am embarking on a drive across all of Canada back to my home state in the US, Vermont.

When I bought it, it had been stored for over a year and the camping battery was completely dead and the previous owner removed it before sale. He assured me that all of the camping electronics worked and if I installed a battery I would be fine. I checked everything out with the ignition on, and the Webasto, fridge, and all the lights and 12v points work. I have not tested the hookup. Last night after purchase I went and got a standard flooded lead acid deep cycle battery (I know these need a gel but I am 3,000KM from home and just wanted the Webasto for the drive back). Unfortunately, after install nothing was different and all of the camping electronics still only work with the ignition on. The battery is charged, but it doesn't seem to be connecting to the house electronics, and the panel is sort of half on when the car is off. The Webasto control panel stays on but resets when the car is off. Additionally, he noted that the charged located under the fridge was acting up and replaced it with one from a wrecked Westy here in Canada, but was unable to test it before sale. All of the fuses in the panel under the sink are good, and the breaker is on. Are there fuses somewhere else that I can check?

Could this be a bad earth? Where do I start to try to track this down? The owner before him clearly installed a lot of random electronics and I'm concerned he messed something up when he removed them all before the sale. I know I will need to dive into the electronics more, but I just want to get my night heater working so I don't need to pay for hotels the next 5 nights on my drive back.

Thank you so much!

I am brand new to the forum - just bought a 1995 California Exclusive yesterday. I am from the US and this van was imported to Canada from Japan and I'm sure it is one of very few here in North America if the only one at all! I am embarking on a drive across all of Canada back to my home state in the US, Vermont.

When I bought it, it had been stored for over a year and the camping battery was completely dead and the previous owner removed it before sale. He assured me that all of the camping electronics worked and if I installed a battery I would be fine. I checked everything out with the ignition on, and the Webasto, fridge, and all the lights and 12v points work. I have not tested the hookup. Last night after purchase I went and got a standard flooded lead acid deep cycle battery (I know these need a gel but I am 3,000KM from home and just wanted the Webasto for the drive back). Unfortunately, after install nothing was different and all of the camping electronics still only work with the ignition on. The battery is charged, but it doesn't seem to be connecting to the house electronics, and the panel is sort of half on when the car is off. The Webasto control panel stays on but resets when the car is off. Additionally, he noted that the charged located under the fridge was acting up and replaced it with one from a wrecked Westy here in Canada, but was unable to test it before sale. All of the fuses in the panel under the sink are good, and the breaker is on. Are there fuses somewhere else that I can check?

Could this be a bad earth? Where do I start to try to track this down? The owner before him clearly installed a lot of random electronics and I'm concerned he messed something up when he removed them all before the sale. I know I will need to dive into the electronics more, but I just want to get my night heater working so I don't need to pay for hotels the next 5 nights on my drive back.

Thank you so much!

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Unfortunately I’m not familiar with this vehicle but there are some T4 experts who will be along later.
Here is the wiring diagram for a 1995 Exclusive.

As all the Leisure Electrics work with the ignition on then the Leisure circuit fuses should be OK, but there could be a master fuse between the battery and the main fuse board.
On more upto date Californias there is a 50 amp cube fuse on the +tve Leisure Battery terminal.
Unfortunately I’m not familiar with this vehicle but there are some T4 experts who will be along later.
Here is the wiring diagram for a 1995 Exclusive.

Thank you so much for this wiring diagram! This is a good place to start
Could it be that the charger that was replaced is not compatible. I’ve just fitted one of these at weekend

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Could it be that the charger that was replaced is not compatible. I’ve just fitted one of these at weekend

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’m not sure but feel it’s unlikely it’s not compatible - it’s a stock westy charger from a 1994 pop up.

The panel doesn’t show any house battery state of charge and flashes 15.1V most of the time when underway. Also, I don’t think the fridge powers on when on ignition. Need to see if I can find a master fuse tomorrow, or if something is wrong with the relay next to the charger maybe?

Does anyone know how to track this down?
The Leisure Electrics should not work with ING on, they are or should be only supplied from the leisure battery, the small relay on the floor is the Split Charge relay activated only when engine running i.e. when alternator warning light goes out, connecting leisure battery and the van battery, something is wrong there, it looks like additional cable at the relay with yellow terminal, may be from charger??? the charger is not original its a replacement from Faron, if its the correct model it's a straight swop, if not could can be used but won't show connect to shore in the control/display panel. The control/display panel should show leisure battery voltage, bottom right button or others, if not its not receiving power from the correct fuse in the small panel, if its showing 15 volts when engine running the voltage is high normally 14.5 approx if flashing its normally a overloaded charger but only when plugged into shore, the display can also show fault codes, but right now I can't find my copy.

The leisure equip is self contained only connected to the van electrics at the split charge rely, engine stopped you should have 12 volts to both terminals but they should not be joined i.e. relay not switched on, page 3 of diagram item J7 is the relay, large 16mm is from leisure battery, to smaller 10mm cables from van battery, take any additional cables off and make sure you have 12 volts from both batteries if not thats where you start.

Attached wiring diagram its for Aug 1998> but not much changed from 95 on the camper side


  • Camping equipment - California exclusive Aug 1998>.pdf
    994.6 KB · Views: 28
Nice van. PZ alloy wheels too!

Seems odd it's only working whilst the ignition is on. Maybe it's been connected back to the switched live at some stage. Disconnect the leisure battery again and measure the voltage at the battery cables when the ignition is on and try and trace it back to see if it been mucked about with. I've attached the simplified wiring diagram from the VW training manual. Try and get some photos in and about the battery and under the fridge to see what they have done.


Westfalia Wiring Diagram.jpg

VW California Club
