HELP! Fiamma F4S Awning Bracket Mounting Issue on T6 California Beach (LHD)



T6 Beach 150
HI, I'm based in Italy and just picked up a Fiamma F45S with the Califormia T5/T6 mounting brackets included (for the LHD version - so mounting on right hand side of van). Much to my dismay the rear bracket doesn't fit 100%. The mounting holes fall to the exterior of the vehicle and the bracket is also too low when mounted plush on the multi-rail. The seller has suggested that my van may have have work done on the roof ( I bought is used last year - build year 2016) - but as far as i can see it looks all normal.

I've been trying to find another California without an awning mounted to test the bracket, but it's proved impossible so far. I have tried the bracket on a T5 with a Thule awning mounted - it wasn't a perfect test, the holes seem more alligned (but this is psobably du to it being positioned more to th rear of the vehicle than the mouonting points) but the part of the bracket that overlaps the 3 holes is still lower than needed. See below -

Here's mine again from a similar angle -
I'd really appreciate it if anyone has has similar issues and found solutions for mounting asside from sending the Fiamma brackets back for replacement!
BTW i also watched a video online for mounting the F45S and at 3:34 in the video you can see that even here the rear bracket isn't exactly flush:
Maybe this goes to show that one should really just purchase the original VW Thule awning kits... :(

You sure you havn't got the front & rear brackets mixed up?
Contact the Club shop as they sell the awnings, so will know which bracket fits

The bracket IS the right one, but it's build tolerances just suck somewhat. The seller has now come clean with me and said that Fiamma have admitted that on some Cali's there is a slight interference issue with this bracket. They say that if you mount the bracket with the top 3 bolts, then with the weight of the awning you should then me able to attach the bolts to the rail as well. Personally this is really poor quality for me and makes me want to switch to the original VW parts.
Personally this is really poor quality for me and makes me want to switch to the original VW parts.
I might be wrong, but I didn't think that VW had ever made brackets, they were a Fiamma item on early vans & a Thule item on later ones.

VW California Club
