Help Please - Brandrup Isotop MKV for T6.1



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 150
Any help appreciated please - Where does the cord with Velcro either end fit!!!
I am fitting a Brandrup Isotop MKV to our T6.1 - we are aware that this is the model that does not allow the panoramic roof panel to open fully but we are thinking we won’t use this function hence saving some money and getting the MKV

I can find no mention of this cord on the instructions. Already fought to get one of the 5 pads fitted in the roof lining. Off for a cup of tea…..

That can be used horizontally to support an open front window flap.
The T6.1 canvas does not have a strengthening strut running vertically down the middle of the front window which earlier models had, the open window flap used to be tied back to that when open to stop it hanging down.

Just a word of warning, the T6.1 canvas is thicker than earlier models & when the MKVI liner is used you are supposed to remove the front panel to make space. With the MKV you cant remove that panel so things might be a bit tight up there. In mitigation though, you won't have the zips down each side of the front of the liner which should help.
Any help appreciated please - Where does the cord with Velcro either end fit!!!
I am fitting a Brandrup Isotop MKV to our T6.1 - we are aware that this is the model that does not allow the panoramic roof panel to open fully but we are thinking we won’t use this function hence saving some money and getting the MKV

I can find no mention of this cord on the instructions. Already fought to get one of the 5 pads fitted in the roof lining. Off for a cup of tea…..

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You can ignore that string. It is to fit on either side of the ISOTOP so that you can pull both sides in when lowering the roof. With the T6 and T6.1, with the side inserts on the canvas which anyways support the roof folding in, these are of no use. I still have mine hanging around somewhere in the van.

If I remember it right, there is another spare part that is of no use (or at least was not for me on my T6). I think it was to be used only if you had the front opening canvas, which I do not.

A good investment indeed.
That can be used horizontally to support an open front window flap.
The T6.1 canvas does not have a strengthening strut running vertically down the middle of the front window which earlier models had, the open window flap used to be tied back to that when open to stop it hanging down.
ah! maybe this was the part I have referred to as the additional spare part in my previous post.
Just a word of warning, the T6.1 canvas is thicker than earlier models & when the MKVI liner is used you are supposed to remove the front panel to make space.
We often use our MK6 without the frontpanel. We only zip it in when we need the extra insulation, but when closing the roof for driving, we always remove this part. Very happy with the ISO-top. It keeps the wind, the cold and the heat out and lets fresh air in.
Thank you everyone for your help and comments. So before I go ahead and affix the isotop does these look ok?


Yes looks ok.
Andy, when you get a minute could you post me a picture of your front? Do the 2 end tabs sit at the front of the isotop as the Velcro pads on the liner are on the grey front side as opposed to the reverse as the middle 3?
I don't currently have an Ocean & cant remember. If the velcro is only on one side doesn't that make it only fit that way round? You can't really go wrong as its only velcroed in, if its wrong pull it off & try again.

I would suggest fitting the rear top corners of the liner first, ideally having measured & made a small mark to line up the middle of the van with the middle of the liner.
Thats fitting a VI the V is slightly different.
Thank you . Have watched California time but it is a MKVI which is slightly different but many of his tips helped!
Thanks everyone.

VW California Club
