Help to remove small drawer under main seat

Ramon Grimalt

Ramon Grimalt

Barcelona, Catalonia.
T6 Ocean 150
Hello I would like to put my skis on the space were the narrow drawer is ( close to the fridge) I have removed 2 bolts (with allen sistem) and could not release it... by the way I had big difficulties on putting them back in place..Any ideas? any help?
thank you

WhatsApp Image 2020-12-03 at 16.25.23.jpeg
The easiest way is to remove the two retaining screws which hold the drawer to the runners. The two runners are on the left side of your photo (ie. same side as where the handle is). and each runner has one retaining screw.

The drawer then lifts off the runners. You can then just leave the runners in place - put some tape on them to stop them moving on transit.

Should only take a couple of minutes.
It is fixed on with 2 sliding rails like this -Schubladenumbau_Schublade_angebaut_Seitenansicht_kleinergrosserbus-de.jpg
You might find a fixing in the side like this one that you can see-
Was just typing the same response :)
If I recall correctly you need to lift the drawer up a little to get it to release. The hinges are similar to those used on kitchen drawers, so similar attachment and detachment
I'm just selfishly following the thread hoping to get a wide shot of that lovely looking floor!;)
thank you for your fast responses!!!! You are all so kind! I did remove both bolts and could not release the drawer....
Are we talking about the same model?
Might they have changed something? I have the t6.1
or I just need to be more insistent!!
thank you indeeed!
thank you for your fast responses!!!! You are all so kind! I did remove both bolts and could not release the drawer....
Are we talking about the same model?
Might they have changed something? I have the t6.1
or I just need to be more insistent!!
thank you indeeed!
hey, did you manage to remove this drawer now? I am trying to same

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