How do you use your safe?



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T6 Beach 150
We have had our lovely new T5 SE since the beginning of October and have had lots of fun kitting it out with both essential and in some cases, not so essential items. I have just carried out the third re-arrangement of our chosen contents and we now have everything just where we want it. However the one area that so far remains completely empty is the so called safe.
Whilst I am sure most will use it for keeping valuable, personal or important bits and bobs in, I am only interested in any un-usual uses some of you might put this difficult to access cubby hole to? E.g to house a CD auto changer (sorry I am showing my age) or perhaps to keep the sweetie or chocolate rations away from the kiddiwinks?

The term safe, usually tends to suggest some form of high security box for keeping valuables in. However whilst it has a very basic lock, I think the term safe is rather over stating this facility. I suppose that its main strength is that unless your opportunist thief knew that some Calis have one, he/she could easily miss it.
I guess the fact t's mainly it's easily missed is its main defence. Even if you know it's there, though, it would be difficult to manipulate any tools to attack it.

It's just the right size to hold a 13" Macbook, but even with the key it's so hard to get in to (and everything is in the way) that I ended up putting it (the Macbook) between the pages of a magazine and sliding it into the pockets behind the front seats.

Put your valuables in there and you won't be bothered to remove them again until you get home! :D

Our previous Cali didn't have the safe and the space it occupies was far more usefully employed for camp site books, manual etc; so I wouldn't specify it next time.
Apart from keeping a small amount of spare cash,paper work I find it useful to keep those small items out of the way that otherwise you can never find when wanted!

I don't got that feature ....a "aluminium door called safe"
But can imagine that no matter the scrappy disign things are still safe underneeth there ....we load that wardrobe full with sqaure clothing bags and it takes a while to reach the bottom. By the time a burgler get there below found nothing but clothing he must be of searching elswhere...
I don't got that feature ....a "aluminium door called safe"
But can imagine that no matter the scrappy disign things are still safe underneeth there ....we load that wardrobe full with sqaure clothing bags and it takes a while to reach the bottom. By the time a burgler get there below found nothing but clothing he must be of searching elswhere...
We keep our bedding in the wardrobe and because it is a lot of messing about getting to the safe we haven't yet found a use for it. It would have to be for something that didn't need to be regularly accessed.
frequently used for DSLR, iPad, wallets, laptops as we leave the van during festivals and walks
Beware that this is a "public " forum ....
Some things are better not written here and kept to yourselfs!
Who knows who's reading all this?
I will not tell on here where i keep my I-pad hidden in my Cali :headbang pretty stupid imo.
Beware that this is a "public " forum ....
Some things are better not written here and kept to yourselfs!
Who knows who's reading all this?
I will not tell on here where i keep my I-pad hidden in my Cali :headbang pretty stupid imo.
Quite right. That is why I only asked for the un-usual uses that owners have for this space. Storing valuables in it would not be an un-usual use.
Wow such paranoia!! if the average thief is smart enough to follow forums they are smart enough to know where the safe is?! You've got to live your lives chaps

Nothing paranoia just common sense ....;)


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Call me a renegade but I frequently tread on the front seats to get "upstairs", leave the awning out (even when it rains) and run the stove without a CO alarm... I must be a risk taker so I'll add "putting things in the safe and saying I use the safe online" to that list of "crazy things other Cali owners wouldn't consider"
I put important documents that I never want to see until it is too late because I can't remember which 'safe' place I put them into in there.
Touring Documents, Currency, Spare Keys when abroad as I have a Surf Key + Safe key around my neck from Dawn to Dusk.

I'm sorry but Paranoia is not my thing. If the California gets nicked - then I don't want it back. Period. Hence good Insurance and enjoy life.
The likelihood of someone breaking into the Van and the Safe are so remote as to verge on the impossible.
Now breaking in to nick the iPad left on the back seat is highly likely, verging on the certain.
I am not paro at all and feel pretty safe traveling in my Cali .
Just pointing out that this is a public place and not even moderators knowing who is reading ...
Some things i belive better not go public.
Offcoares everyone knows where the "safe" is hidden and Cali's do get taken from driveways frequent.
Btw there are far more better places to hide things in a Cali than in that "safe";)

My SAFE is rigged with Super High Explosive that self destructs immediately on opening !
Perhaps we should ask the mods to change the word "safe" to "porta potti". That'll keep the Scunthorpe bags away...

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Apologies to anyone from Scunthorpe. I ran out of talent... I meant scumbags...

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i put all my money in my porta potti waste tank, not in the safe. its glued on the top of the tank, so you can reach it by grab into the open hole and fiddle around. its allways there, ok, not allways, but almost....
I'm thinking of putting a false floor into the existing safe thereby hiding the real safe. Cunning eh!!

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