How many nights a year?

We hit ~300 nights one 12 month period ;)

Last year we managed two long fortnight holidays, (32 nights), plus 4 weekends (8 nights), two bank holiday weekends (6 nights), plus 5 odd nights, total 51 nights.

This year we've managed 3 nights so far, one wedding and two nights on the drive.
Sorry if this has been covered before ....I’ve already proven I’m rubbish with ‘Search’ and also virtually immune from ‘Same Thread Scorn’......

I see a lot of “Beach vs Ocean”, “Big White vs Cali” etc... threads, where lots of people say “I prefer this because I do, and I’m right” type of stuff but....I’m starting to question whether I should rationally have an Se/Ocean or Beach, or have a Cali at all instead of just a Big Van and a tent etc....
I can’t make any sense of it really.....and then realised I have no idea whether I spend many less/same/many more nights in my Cali compared to you lot....
What is the ‘average‘ number of nights spent by people on this forum -is there a smarter way of asking this question and/or getting an answer?

I’m not asking for your view on what you want, nor am I asking for sage words on ‘decide what you want yourself you Numpty Big Ron’.....I think knowing how normal/abnormal I am on camping nights is suddenly important to me....I’ll work out why later....
Anyone willing to many nights a year?
I live in mine!
I just love every night in mine, and using it as a daily driver. When travelling through europe and get tired just stop anywhere..... Love it... Bring on July..
61, 57, 62 the last three years. This year: none - haven't even slept in the van on the driveway as we don't have a driveway. But campsite booked for 6 July
21 days when new last September, came back and it started to rain and never stopped, 2 nights in Great Langdale in the rain. Then in March it stopped raining and we went into lockdown.

Bunny not happy:sad:(
An average of 140 nights every year since 2013 when the Van Rouge was new - which includes two trips of about 60 days each in mainland Europe each year - so almost 3 years in total. But only one night so far in 2020...
We only did 27 last year as it took a while to recover from falling downstairs and braking my wrist, collar bone and 3 ribs in August!
This year we only managed 3 nights before lockdown.
Essential vehicle for a rapid university extraction 3 days before lockdown too!
We only did 27 last year as it took a while to recover from falling downstairs and braking my wrist, collar bone and 3 ribs in August!
Ooh OWW! Hope you are fully recovered and ready to camp again! I only tore my ACL and broke a couple of ribs (skiing) which luckily coincided with the weather being so awful in February, so didn't interfere with our campervanning plans.

VW California Club
