Hypothetical Question - Selling Cali with all accessories?

Mr T

Mr T

Super Poster
Lifetime VIP Member
West Oxfordshire
Grand California 600
Hypothetically speaking would it be better to sell a Cali Ocean stripped back and sell on all accessories separately or would you sell as a package and ask marginally higher price to take the added extras into account.
For example Solar panel, carpets, rear pull out tray , windscreen cover, brandrup isotop etc.

Does a well accessorised Cali appeal to buyers do you think?

Interested in opinions.
Hypothetically speaking would it be better to sell a Cali Ocean stripped back and sell on all accessories separately or would you sell as a package and ask marginally higher price to take the added extras into account.
For example Solar panel, carpets, rear pull out tray , windscreen cover, brandrup isotop etc.

Does a well accessorised Cali appeal to buyers do you think?

Interested in opinions.
I doubt whether the accessories would add anything to the selling price. Most people (me) would be comparing the mileage, condition etc Then optional extras, DSG etc. Against what else was on the market.
Accessories would be just be a point to haggle over …… “include all the accessories a full tank, MOT and I will have it!”
It also depends on how much you value your time… selling items individually can take a while and involve more of your time with packaging and posting, etc…
Every one will have a different view on what is right (for them). It’s up to you to decide if the potential extra pounds selling items individually are worth the extra effort (for you).
All very true. We all buy things for our Cali’s and some we stick with (couldn’t live without) and some we sell on as it’s “not for me”.
Selling stuff can be a pain and time consuming as @AlisonF has mentioned, and as @ArunAlec suggests add ons may become nothing more than a slight bargaining tool.
Thanks for your input.
Selling to a dealer, bike rack & big wheels add a little bit to the value, Isotop, seat covers etc add nothing.

If its a private sale I would advertise without the items & be prepared to add them in as part of the deal rather than lowering the price.
Hypothetically speaking would it be better to sell a Cali Ocean stripped back and sell on all accessories separately or would you sell as a package and ask marginally higher price to take the added extras into account.
For example Solar panel, carpets, rear pull out tray , windscreen cover, brandrup isotop etc.

Does a well accessorised Cali appeal to buyers do you think?

Interested in opinions.
When we sold our previous Cali we included all accessories for the new owner. We felt it was a more attractive package and she did sell to the first viewer. We didn’t put much on the price for extras but preferred the convenience of selling to first enquiry and not having lots of viewers.

In saying that we have re-ordered some of the items again from the club shop for our current Cali.
Personally , i think the extras you mention are a nice little extra for the new owner that will make them appreciate you and the vehicle that little bit more and will make it that little bit more desirable than the next vehicle .Obviously you could try increasing Price to cover costs but in the end decide on price you would be happy for to sell everything in one transaction . It's a lot easier for you.
We have a friend who is currently looking to buy second hand. She seems to be more preoccupied with what accessories come with each vehicle rather than with the soundness, spec or condition of the vehicle itself. So yes, to some people accessories do appear to make a difference.

However, if I were selling now, I think I would state what accessories were available and negotiate for them separeately or stick to your asking price and throw in one, two or even several extras to seal the deal.
From a buyers point of view I was very appreciative of all the bits thrown in when purchasing the Cali privately.
We had a lovely buying experience and got the leads, ramps, awning room, topper, gas bottle and mattress sheeting etc included.
I would do the same unless selling to dealer, then it would be a bare van again!
Things like solar panels etc are also going to be harder to sell as you are going to be limited to local buyers, they are not the type of thing that can be easily posted.

When I sold my t4, I included the extras rather than bargaining down on the sale price.
Seems to be a sellers market at the moment so no need to give things away. Take all the bits out and sell separately, or, just transfer them to your new van.
When we bought our T4 (and later T5), the main thing we considered (besides or course a well maintained van) was price. Buyers have a budget they want to/have to stick to. If they find a van within budget that seems well maintained, they will buy it (regardless of accessories).

I don't think the accessories you sell with the van will make a difference in whether or not someone will buy it (especially not in the current sellers market) and I don't think they yield an extra amount that represents what you paid for them. If you sell them seperately you get more for them is my view. Especially as (most of them; brandrup, etc) they keep their value quite well. A bit more hassle to sell them seperately though and if you yourself get a new van you might want to start afresh and make different choices (colors/types)

However, I do believe (and this was the case when we bought) that a bunch of nice accessories will make potential buyers think; 'this is the one, it's so complete' , it must also be taken care of very well ;-) and make them feel they found the right van and that they have to act quickly, before another buyer moves in. Might also help when there are smaller things wrong with the van that the buyer will have to factor into the equasion. So you might sell it quicker. But in the current market I think it doesn't really matter at all. Seems like a Cali is pure gold.

VW California Club
