Please read and take Note:
Following the poll and taking into account the many views expressed:
The poll has indicated that the majority of members wish to keep things to Cali related items, so from now on the main sections will be free of politics.
We will still allow political threads that are pertinent to our lifestyle but these will only be allowed in the three cocks section. Coronavirus restrictions are now the new normal and they can be discussed where they impact on our camping lifestyle but any thread relating to the politics of coronavirus will be seen as a political thread and treated accordingly.
Any thread hijacked with political comments then the post will be removed and the poster warned that further posts with the same intent could result in posting privileges being withdrawn. Please try and post in the correct section.
Any political threads placed in the general forum will be moved to Three Cocks. Please remember this section is not moderated.
Abuse will not be tolerated and will result in the post removed, the poster warned and possibly a ban on posting. Repeat offenders will be removed.
Please be kind and courteous, and remember that what may seem acceptable to one person could be seen as offensive by another.
Following the poll and taking into account the many views expressed:
The poll has indicated that the majority of members wish to keep things to Cali related items, so from now on the main sections will be free of politics.
We will still allow political threads that are pertinent to our lifestyle but these will only be allowed in the three cocks section. Coronavirus restrictions are now the new normal and they can be discussed where they impact on our camping lifestyle but any thread relating to the politics of coronavirus will be seen as a political thread and treated accordingly.
Any thread hijacked with political comments then the post will be removed and the poster warned that further posts with the same intent could result in posting privileges being withdrawn. Please try and post in the correct section.
Any political threads placed in the general forum will be moved to Three Cocks. Please remember this section is not moderated.
Abuse will not be tolerated and will result in the post removed, the poster warned and possibly a ban on posting. Repeat offenders will be removed.
Please be kind and courteous, and remember that what may seem acceptable to one person could be seen as offensive by another.