Keeping it California - Last Chance to VOTE

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I would like to see a list of those 100 members, more than half would
probably on a knitting or cat forum.
@westfalia , a poll comes not even close to the reality of what the general average really is ...a poll is useles imo.
If everyone use common sense and we can go out and about soon it will all be back to normal i hope .
I’ve been knitting recently. Not done it for 35 years. Made some hearts for my local hospice and family members. Also got people locally knitting some as well.
I’m also on a few dog forums.
I hope that does not mean my vote is now discounted...
What ever happens I just wish that we can lose the pointless displays of aggression and show each other a bit more respect. Remember, it's OK to agree not to agree.

Final point, some seem to be saying that a vote for YES is effectively censorship but you wouldn't join a Politics Forum and expect to discuss VW Californias would you?
Well said, disagree, but do it politely and respectfully.
The vicious personal attacks and insults that have recently been destroying one thread after another, not just the covid threads, always come from the same handful of people, and make the forum toxic for the majority of members who want to talk about Cali related topics, including daily topics that affect the way we use our vans. I doubt they would display themselves publicly. Maybe it's time to end anonymous posting, and require real names and photos in order to have posting privileges.
The vicious personal attacks and insults that have recently been destroying one thread after another, not just the covid threads, always come from the same handful of people, and make the forum toxic for the majority of members who want to talk about Cali related topics, including daily topics that affect the way we use our vans. I doubt they would display themselves publicly. Maybe it's time to end anonymous posting, and require real names and photos in order to have posting privileges.
Agreed but welcome to the internet, don’t even mention Twitter.

For me the moderators do an amazing job, ignore function and reporting abuse is the way to go.
I was a moderator on a trades forum where as you can imagine it could get pretty rough. So we had a rule that ANY personal abuse was not tolerated and was deleted as soon as was spotted or reported. I usually sent a personal message to the offender saying why it was deleted and people normally accepted it. Once everyone got used to the zero tolerance attitude we rarely had to moderate at all.
I'm Not going to ban politics but there will be some changes announced after the weekend
Hello Kev,
Here's something that's not :offtopic
The title of this thread is "Keeping it California" with a vote entitled " Do we ban politics and corona virus threads?"

You have since said, before the vote ends on Sunday, that you won't now be banning Politics. Can you please clarify the purpose of this vote and thread? Is it now - Do we ban Corona virus threads? Or are they to continue as well? The bickering issue can and should be dealt with by the mods. Since you have stated that "there will be some changes" to be announced after the weekend it seems that decisions have already been made. Therefore is there any point in continuing with this thread and vote?

It all seems rather bizarre to me especially as the majority of those bothering to vote so far appear to be in favour of "Keeping it California".
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The voting and the poll was just to keep you all busy .....and seems it worked
Be patient and see what will follow later.

Go out and enjoy the weather in the mean time:)
I think the admin should do some cleansing and remove the troublemakers
In my experience if you aggressively remove offending posts they will either learn a bit of self control or leave.

Can’t argue with that but it’s often more complicated than that.

Posts do not have to be abusive or aggressive to be inflammatory and in addition thread hi jack is an issue.

Personally I would keep the separate area and have a clear policy with sanctions available for deliberate polluting of the main board.

The suggested system of members marking with a thread hi jack selection similar to the likes one sounds like it’s worth a try.

We will find out soon enough.

What is a thread hi jack ? In my experience conversation is fluid it starts with a topic then often goes off topic goes to several other topics then twenty minutes later we are back on the original topic again.
In my experience if you aggressively remove offending posts they will either learn a bit of self control or leave.

Aggressive Moderation. Sounds like a Newspeak phrase from Nineteen Eighty-Four. Doubleplusgood!

Can’t argue with that but it’s often more complicated than that.

Posts do not have to be abusive or aggressive to be inflammatory and in addition thread hi jack is an issue.

Personally I would keep the separate area and have a clear policy with sanctions available for deliberate polluting of the main board.

The suggested system of members marking with a thread hi jack selection similar to the likes one sounds like it’s worth a try.

We will find out soon enough.


That's why I didn't say abusive or aggressive but offending which covers most issues. The moderators should have a private area on the forum where they can decide exactly what is offensive. The way we did it was to remove any offensive post to a private, mods only, section. If we collectively thought the mod had been a bit too keen the post could be put back, otherwise it was deleted. We never edited posts as that is not a good route to go down plus I believe it is illegal to do so.
@Duxdeluxe ,
highjacking example: when a member starts a thread about something , in the technical section it could be detailed with pictures,etc . And a few others start to ruin the thread by posting all kind of irrelevant posts just becose the coversation turned a other direction , this is very sad for the OP as he putted in the effort and then seeing his thread going the other way.
This forum is used by many as source to fix things and find sollutions for al kinds of problems , it's always nice to have clear and correct info.
If one wants to talk whatever : general chit chat , three cocks,...
If you want to discus a whole other story than the OP's thread , start your own thread , use the search function as lots has been discussed in older threads, post in the correct subforum,....
There are so many features on this forum but not everyone know how to use them (or don't bother at all) and things get posted where they should not be.
These are just simple things that will keep everone happy.
This site is a encyclopedia about VW California never seen elsewhere and it would be very sad it would turn in to a facebookpage where everyone just posts random .
We try to stick to a pattern in the diffrent forumsections .

Nothing personal to you;) just pointing out that we need to respect each other and remember there are current over 18.000 members so a lot of diversity.

@Keith Smith , we do talk behind the scene in a moderators only section.
Moderating posts illegal ? Don't know ...facebook and twitter does thesame no?
I wish we never ever had to moderated a post , that would mean everyone was polite to others.
Sure the admins know what is illegal and not.
Unhappily I note the vote is headed for a ban. This censorship seems a little unhealthy given we do not have to read stuff that bores or angers us. Some tips from the clever folk who find ways round difficulties that I never could will be missed. Anyhoo, I don’t like censorship per se.
The voting and the poll was just to keep you all busy .....and seems it worked
Be patient and see what will follow later.

Go out and enjoy the weather in the mean time:)

Some time ago my local council ran a targeted poll of residents about the creation of a Controlled Parking Zone. The poll didn’t go the way the council had been hoping, and residents narrowly voted against the very specific question in the poll. Nevertheless, the council decided to ignore the poll results, and instead imposed a Controlled Parking Zone which bore a resemblance to the one proposed and defeated, but not one for which there had ever been a consultation.

It seemed an odd way to conduct polls.
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