Keeping it California - Last Chance to VOTE

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or Porta Pottis, especially ones that are kept in the kitchen unit.
So the 'conflicts' we often seem to have here are those between the people looking for a chatroom (cfr here above) and those looking for specific information. I am currently sitting at my boat, listening to Channel 77 'Social Communications', the official chat Channel. If there's an important request or information this channel gets overruled by e.g. Channel 16, and then again further commented on Ch. 77. Perhaps there's a technical means to keep these two parallel communications in two columns? Main info, and extended elaborations besides of it? Sth you often see on blog pages? Just a thought.
I have a year old Cali which I can’t wait to use again. I haven’t read the forum for quite a few weeks now because of some of the content. While this is my first involvement In forums and therefore I am probably not the best person to comment. I would just like to say that at the moment I would love for experienced Cali owners to be giving lots of lovely suggestions for the future and wonderful memories. It is a great time to be doing some planning and dreaming. Sorry I am probably off the thread but ...
The polling stations are getting real to close ............................
109 now. I do know loads of people have said to me that they are reluctant to post a no vote In the forum so I suggested a postal vote .........
Just voted, In dont think it will have made much difference to final result though?

Are we allowed to discuss the vote in an aftermath thread?
Well at least it is a bit more conclusive than the Welsh Assembly Referendum.;)
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