I couldnt agree more.
Im growing increasingly tired of seeing adverts everywhere I go. I dont want them at all but they're tied to everything I've recently looked at on any given device and they appear everywhere on my phone and in the various apps and other platforms.
As an example of how bad it is, during the setup of Microsoft Windows, its now a thing where you have to chose whether you want adverts tailored to your interests of not but you HAVE to have them one way or another. This didnt used to be the case. I mean cmon really???
Weirdly, I was taking part in a family online zoom quiz where one of the questions related to a famous artist and less than 24 hours later I started getting adverts for this artists work. Scarily, there wasnt an Alexa or Google speaker in sight. Purely what my phone listened too whilst sat next to me.
ooooo sorry... was going off on one then....id better let this go.....
but yes, sorry....its how 'our' info is being used. Its simply not right. We seemed to have succumbed to the gifts by way of apps and online services that are given to us in exchange for all of our info.
Theres a great program on this on Netflix called Social Dilemma. Really interesting and scary too!