In Cali Essentials



VIP Member
Hi All I've just put down a deposit on a 2012 Cali excited isn't the word, but now I'm getting ready so i can hit the ground running.

I would like to know where you can purchase the plastic VW cups plate bowls etc.! I would like to ask, is the general feeling of the equipment you guys use with
the cali weight friendly as i can imagine you wouldn't want to start putting le creuset cooking wear in the Cali. What are the essential items you guys use.? please bear in mind we don't do much camping but however small its better to mention than not, penny my wife has just shouted "wine and bottle opener is all we need"

The cali sleeps four so do we kit it out for four people.?
Does anyone carry spare gas or is the general feeling its ready available so theres no need.


Goose :D
Welcome mate the vw plates & bowls you can buy from just kampers :thumb
Nice one Goose :)

Every opinion under the sun on this one...

Penny however is pretty much spot on ;)

We keep vans kitted out for 4 people... but there's the three of us anyway.

Usual utensils... whatever you're happy with... A compact cooking pan set... stackable but as heavy weight as you can. Don't skimp on these. heavy bottomed ones really make a difference (Pans that is)

We also carry a spare cylinder (with a burner for cooking outside)

Pop over sometime and you can rummage through what we have loaded... best thing is to get a few essentials then try things out that suit you.

We tend to keep a basic kit in the van such as bottle opener and corkscrew :laugh2 , and of course the cutlery and crockery etc that we need.

Thereafter we have some plastic boxes (Really Useful) which fit perfectly under the rear shelf and we pack those according to the trip we are going on.

So for example f the weather isn't great or we're heading off to somewhere inland we wouldn't take the beach stuff.

One thing that I would recommend is an outside cooker. It sounds a bit odd with the Cali having a cooker but apart from the practicalities of being able to stand and cook outside the last thing you want is a lovely fry up in the morning stinking the van out.

We recently switched to a Camping Gaz cooker Camping Gaz Bistro

It's not the cheapest way to cook when compared to the other style people tend to use but we find it convenient.

Buying the cylinders from Halfords in their bundle deal is by far the cheapest I have found - Halfords
Enjoy it!

Don't forget you can get VW and Brandrup accessories from us and we can arrange shipping too!

Hi All Travelling back from picking up my Cali today biggest smuggest grin on my face and tbh its still there. :D :D

I would like to know the pros and cons of the T5 Full Awning Set. Any opinion welcome good or bad, i have two dogs and would welcome a space where they could go, there only little toy poodles.

The other alternative i suppose is to have a tent that i pull up to any opinions on that.?
Does any one have experience of both.?


We have got end screens for the awning but tend to use one of them and a Quechua Base Seconds tent. ... 08602.html

We like this set up as we can leave the tent on site with bits and pieces in and still use the van for getting around. It folds flat and stores easily under the rear shelf.
Paid around £40 for our tent a few years ago when Decathlon were selling the original ones off. They sometimes come up on eBay but fetch silly money.
Glad you finally got it Goose :)

We've got side panels...


Closes in to make a VERY big area... From same as the Mutze. Ulli custom made this for us and it's now standard kit.

We also have windblocker panels which fold up to nothing (under the drivers seat, along with hammers, pegs, etc) which are stunning and get a lot of use. (Full set cost us about £100)

Also got a Kyham which we don't use anymore that you're welcome to try out and a Quecha Base that we use on the T4.

Lots of options and you're welcome to take any of them away for a test and find what works for you.

Wellington boots and lounge pants are essentials in the Cali ;-)

VW California Club
