Installing 2x leisure batteries to T5 2007 California Beach conversion.
Can anyone advise me on the correct gauge wiring required for the following.
I have a factory installed 2nd batt under driver seat on my Beach (to be removed and replaced). Does anyone know if this has a split charger or another device to disconnect from starter batt? I know the batteries are separated, but I am not sure with what device or where it is located.
Leisure batt: I have not identified which exact positive cable is coming in from the alternator yet, but it is nothing large gauge. Again, the same is the case with the negative.
So I want to install 2x new 80ah AGM batts. Providing the cable running between the batteries is the same length and gauge, am I ok to run the existing positive from alternator to A batt, and run a negative from B batt to the chassis somewhere close? Or does the negative need to go elsewhere?
B Batt will be going in the rear of the van, near the water tank in the picture (in the space at bottom of wardrobe). With new A batt going back under driver seat. Many thanks, Alex

Can anyone advise me on the correct gauge wiring required for the following.
I have a factory installed 2nd batt under driver seat on my Beach (to be removed and replaced). Does anyone know if this has a split charger or another device to disconnect from starter batt? I know the batteries are separated, but I am not sure with what device or where it is located.
Leisure batt: I have not identified which exact positive cable is coming in from the alternator yet, but it is nothing large gauge. Again, the same is the case with the negative.
So I want to install 2x new 80ah AGM batts. Providing the cable running between the batteries is the same length and gauge, am I ok to run the existing positive from alternator to A batt, and run a negative from B batt to the chassis somewhere close? Or does the negative need to go elsewhere?
B Batt will be going in the rear of the van, near the water tank in the picture (in the space at bottom of wardrobe). With new A batt going back under driver seat. Many thanks, Alex