Is the Grand California a fail? Hmm ... I would say yes and also I would say no. Like with many other things there are pros and cons.
I believe that potential buyers of any campervan or motorhome must make compromises because the most ideal camper vehicle does not exist (or if it does, it will be to expensive).
While visiting the Caravan Salon in Duesseldorf this year I noticed that almost all camper vehicles based on the Crafter or TGE were the center of attraction. Interesting. Not Ford, Renault, Fiat or even Mercedes. Interesting...
Of course the Grand California has its disadvantages some are based on design by Volkswagen and some disadvantages mentioned here I don't understand. For instance, if people buy a 6 m camper and then expecting the same maneuverability as of a T6.1 or car. Or giving out about the AGM battery. Checking other camper vehicles many of them come also, as standard, with a small 90 to 100Ah AGM battery. In this case the issue is not the AGM battery, the issue is that, in comparison to others manufacturers, customers can't order the Grand California with a Lithium battery nor does a VW dealer is willing to install it afterwards. I think the Grand California Customer Base should put far more pressure on Volkswagen to open up for upgrades of any kind.
Yes, there might be storage issues especially in the GC 600, but in time owners find a workaround. In my opinion it is not ok to advertise the GC 600 as a family campervan, just because there are 4x seats and 4x spaces to sleep. Storage is simply not in line with the advertisement. Have I said that, I read a lot of families which are happy to use the GC 600. Hmm...
We had 3x days in Duesseldorf so plenty of time to look at various campervans or motorhomes. To decide which campervan or motorhome to buy should be a long process to ensure that it is the right vehicle (in other words the negatives are ((considerably)) less than the positives). Yes, there were other vehicles that "tickled my fancy". Seeing the things I am missing on my GC 600 tempted me - but stepping back and get the emotions out of the way, there were always disadvantages.
I think the key for potential buyer of the Grand California is to rent it, at least for a long weekend, and use it in the way they want to use it in the future. Then a decision can be made. But also thinking about the other things that comes with the camper as cost of insurance or tax, cost of service or repair, from where to get the warranty service, is it possible to upgrade the camper (battery, LTE aerial, LTE, name it), availability.
For short few weeks my wife and I were tempted to trade in the GC 600 and get something else. At the Caravan Salon we almost fell in love with a Bürstner. But back at the hotel and calmed down our emotions we decided no, we keep the GC 600 until we can't use it anymore. The reason for this is 1.) we invested a lot into the GC, 2.) we got through all the technical issues (touch wood), 3.) after various changes the GC 600 comes very close to be our perfect camper for us, 4.) change of camper (especially if it is bigger) is to expensive.
I was watching and reading a lot about the Grand California. But looking back most (but not all) of those reports or reviews are either from people with no experience or they used it only very shortly. Also those reviews are mostly not about issues, but how to use things (gas, Camper Unit etc.) not really the pros and cons of the Grand California.
Back to the question, is the Grand California a fail - for my wife and me now it is not, during the last 2 years it developed into our dream camper. Is the Grand California a fail for somebody else, I am sure there are owners out there who believe this. I am afraid those people need to sell or trade in their camper. And for another group they will get use to the Grand California like a shoe that is to tight but will become very comfortable in time.