ISO-TOP MK IV installation temperature above 18 degress celsius



T5 SE 180
Hi there

I just bought a ISO-TOP MK IV, and while I was reading the instructions I realized you are supposed to have the installation done with ambient temperatures above 18 degrees celsius to do the installation of the scratch around the bed frame. Considering I am leaving in Switzerland where we are having max 15 degrees and you have any recommendations apart from having a heated garage? Do you think if i start the stationary heating would work?

Thanks for your comments
Yes just run your internal heater
I am about to install one too and I had planned to use a thermometer in the roof to help ensure the temperature was sufficient. So I would agree run the heater and keep an eye on it.

It may be worth getting the van upto temperature over a bit of time to ensure the metalwork is warm enough too.
Bought my Mk IV at the shop on Saturday, today the temp was only 11C and despite putting a fan heater in the roof for a few hours there was still condensation on the exposed metal areas at the rear top. So I dried it as best I could and used some left over Velcro from another job for now. I have saved the supplied looptape until the weather warms up. (If the liner stays in place I'll probably leave it be)

I also re-hashed the instructions and posted them here, you may find them useful.
I installed mine last Saturday with an ambient temperature of 5C.

I left the aux heater on for 2 hrs on setting 10 and whilst the van was warm the metalwork was still pretty cold to the touch. Eager to install and test, I ploughed on regardless. Apart from the well documented "tab-gate" scenario, everything went well. It's been used several times since and I can report no loss of adhesion.
My plan is to put the Kampa Cuboid on with the hookup connected too to get the van upto temp, little heater kicks out decent heat and can be positioned so it heats the roof.

Ill be installing in Jan, so will be videoing the install for the club youtube channel.

There is a recommendation to use laminated sheets to get the taps in without too much issue, is that what you did out of interest @DrJuanKerr ?
I wouldn't warm the van up, the metal roof surround is always the coldest part of the van & by warming the air up you increase the chances of getting condensation on the metal. Its the condensation that will stop the velcro sticking properly.

If anything I would use a hairdryer to locally warm the metal literally seconds before putting the velcro on, just working slowly round the van.
There is a recommendation to use laminated sheets to get the taps in without too much issue, is that what you did out of interest @DrJuanKerr ?

I used quite stiff, "slippery" old ground sheet material. Whatever you use its going to be a right b1tch to squeeze the Velcro tabs up into the gaps. I guess the whole point is that it needs to be a tight fut but, there's tight and then there's TIGHT!!! ;)

VW California Club
