ISO top T6 roof liner


Bev Farnsworth

T6 Ocean 204
Hi everyone. We’re now considering buying an iso top roof liner for our new T6 California but they’re not cheap?!?! Has anyone bought one and if so are they worth it.

Many thanks in advance as I know you’re all very helpful. Xx
Loads of threads & posts on this one, inc. pros & cons vs external etc - so do try a search.

But in summary - yes, they’re great. Disadvantages: expensive to buy & a bit fiddly to fit, but then it’s permanent and well worth it as significantly darker, warmer & quieter IMO especially compared to the more flimsy T6 roof fabric.
We have bought one it's half fitted at the moment as haven't d got round to the second stage of fitting after the velcro.

Lots of threads about fitting, for us it's more important that the fitting is a permanent solution as my toddler sleeps up there and also I don't have to store anything else especially if wet!

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If you camp outside of the main season they are a great investment as they make it much more cosy upstairs.

Expensive but certainly worth it
Agree with comments made - warmer and darker (which is very important to ensure the kids sleep in!)
Putting aside all of the advantages over an external topper. If used in wet weather you will still have to be able to dry out the outer material.
As said above there are lots of posts and opinions on this one!
Also cooler in the summer !!... in France this year you could feel the heat between the layers when opening up the internal zips at night.... cant think of any downsides aside from the initial cost...
Thanks everyone. Def going to have one. We’re away this weekend in the Forest of Dean and it’s cold at night. Got our Van-orak on which really works but a liner as well will be perfect. Knew you’d all help.
Even now in mild weather I notice that it's a bit cooler in the top, the heater seems to chuck heat out into the main area but it's slow to reach the roof!

Can't wait to finish ours which is still half way through installation...the screwing pads are scaring us (T6 beach).
Thanks everyone. Def going to have one. We’re away this weekend in the Forest of Dean and it’s cold at night. Got our Van-orak on which really works but a liner as well will be perfect. Knew you’d all help.

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We have bought one it's half fitted at the moment as haven't d got round to the second stage of fitting after the velcro.

Lots of threads about fitting, for us it's more important that the fitting is a permanent solution as my toddler sleeps up there and also I don't have to store anything else especially if wet!

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Don't worry, the Isotop is perfect for little ones. It keeps the top deck much darker, warmer, daught free and above all dry. It's expensive but money well spent.
Putting aside all of the advantages over an external topper. If used in wet weather you will still have to be able to dry out the outer material.
As said above there are lots of posts and opinions on this one!
I agree.
If the roof canvas did get wet when you last used it then it's good practice to dry it out properly at the first available opportunity otherwise you may experience issues.

All you need to do is pop the roof up when it's not raining and it will dry out very quickly indeed. To hasten the process why not stick the parking heater on full blast. It will also give that device it's necessary regular maintenance run at the same time.
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