It is a smart charger, it starts off at 14.4ish volts until current tapers, then changes it's charging voltage to about 13.2ish which is a relatively low float voltage and should be generally safe for long term float charging.Do consider that the onboard systems were never designed to run constantly, I suspect the cali system is better quality than typical caravans or motorhomes but as far as I can make out are not smart, but I’m no expert in that area. I work within the leisure sector and we have seen many batteries being overcharged by poor systems and too much care so my advice would be to use solar and charge controller or similar if possible to just keep everything topped up, it’s advantage is every 12hrs the system is rested during the night. The panel could be placed outside your garage. Or use a smart charger rather than than onboard systems which are designed for on pitch use which they do well.
Its the starter battery I would be be more concerned about as alarm, immobiliser will depleting it constantly and once the battery level drops even a relatively small amount it may struggle to start.
I use a separate smart charger mainly, or I have a simple 40w solar panel and that’s enough To keep everything topped up.