leisure battery not charging; mains hook up symbol not showing on display

Geoff York

Geoff York

T6.1 Ocean 199
power going to van ok...mains electric socket works......fuses pretty inaccessible under passenger seat and vw handbook shows a completely different fuse layout.
fridge not working...insufficient power
been on mains hook up for 24 hours at home
have checked circuit breakers...both on...is there another switch somewhere ?
any ideas / similar experiences folks ?
power going to van ok...mains electric socket works......fuses pretty inaccessible under passenger seat and vw handbook shows a completely different fuse layout.
fridge not working...insufficient power
been on mains hook up for 24 hours at home
have checked circuit breakers...both on...is there another switch somewhere ?
any ideas / similar experiences folks ?
You dont say what year your van is? says "Still looking" in your profile
Well you've stated there is insufficient power for the fridge!

Fridge won't work below 10.5 volts.

What does the control panel show for battery voltage?
If the fuses are ok , and on hook up the 220v plug symbol not appear ... try reset the controlpanel
What about the flicky switch thing in the back cupboard. Is that swtched on? Has it ever worked? What vehicle? What year?
The Charger is not working.
Mains into van, No Charger Symbol and I presume the Control Panel Voltage Display read out does not change when Mains connected.

1. Check the Mains lead into the Charger.

If we knew which vehicle and year then we might be able to give more advice. T4, T5 or T6, Beach or SE/Ocean.
Deffo not T4 as fuses under seat.
We've established that much.

I think he's looking for that magic hidden shiny switch that cures all problems.
The Charger is not working.
Mains into van, No Charger Symbol and I presume the Control Panel Voltage Display read out does not change when Mains connected.

1. Check the Mains lead into the Charger.

If we knew which vehicle and year then we might be able to give more advice. T4, T5 or T6, Beach or SE/Ocean.

Second looking at the Mains Lead into the charger, had that problem with mine and same symptoms as you. An earlier similar thread provided the solution.

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