Midgie-proofing the roof vents


Did you ever manage to obtain a solution to this midge problem. I’ve very keen to find one too.
Small pack of Midge net from https://www.totallyherby.com/

Fabric glue from Amazon

Cut net to size and stick in place on the small vents in the popup tent.

If you want removable, then use magnets.

As you are in Edinburgh, and may go more often to the Highlands, also consider midge proofing the VW mosquito nets.

Get the large pack of midge net from

Cut to size

Use glue gun to glue to mosquito net.

... Simples. :thumb
Small pack of Midge net from https://www.totallyherby.com/

Fabric glue from Amazon

Cut net to size and stick in place on the small vents in the popup tent.

If you want removable, then use magnets.

As you are in Edinburgh, and may go more often to the Highlands, also consider midge proofing the VW mosquito nets.

Get the large pack of midge net from

Cut to size

Use glue gun to glue to mosquito net.

... Simples. :thumb
The VW window screens are easy, a butter knife and a square of midge net.
Work round prising the two parts of plastic apart and sliding the net in.
They have been great but staying somewhere near the coast or high so there's a breeze / strong sun is easier.
What ever you do some will find a way in, on clothes etc so an evening killing session can be satisfying and talking antihistamines helps the itch if you do get bitten.
The VW window screens are easy, a butter knife and a square of midge net.
Work round prising the two parts of plastic apart and sliding the net in.
They have been great but staying somewhere near the coast or high so there's a breeze / strong sun is easier.
What ever you do some will find a way in, on clothes etc so an evening killing session can be satisfying and talking antihistamines helps the itch if you do get bitten.
Thank you for that tip. Was too scared to pry them apart.
I did similar to what sbmcd described above, for the small vents. Fibreglass netting sewn onto the tape around the vent, using a curved upholstery needle. A bit laborious but happy with the result.
Sit up top, get a curved needle and sew midge mesh over the vents, not easy but it works.
Thank you for the replies. Has anyone tried spraying the net with Permethrin? I imagine that midges would still get through?

VW California Club
