Midges are making an appearance in west coast Scotland earlier and earlier with each passing year. By early May they are around, with the sole purpose of making life difficult..... Including for campervan owners. In the California T6.1, all of the vents in the pop-top can be zipped shut.....except the small side vents (see photograph). They are the problem vents. There is much discussion on possible solutions, which we have read with interest, having encountered midges at their worst, which makes the upper bed unusable, forcing us to sleep 'downstairs' with the roof closed. Not ideal. Here is our inexpensive and quick offering to the problem/solution. The material (ladies) tights are made from is essentially 'midge proof'. Cut off the legs from a pair (the bigger sizes being better.....might require buying anonymously some XXXL tights) and offer up to the vent. Virtually all the adhesive tapes we tried are useless - very little stickabiity on the pop-top material. Tuck in the tights material where the roof lining and side ('canvas') meet (blunt/handle end of scissors worked for us (see photograph). This should hold in place nicely..... and stay in place when roof is lowered. To complete the seal, we used 3M duct tape: it sticks moderately well when not asked to take any weight (see photograph). In combination with Jerba's midge screens for the side windows, we think we have 'solved' our midge problem. So far. BB