Might as well be mono audio from media in.


Chris Pike


Can anyone please shed some light on the iPod media in interface please?

I only have any bass being driven on the rhs. This goes for the front and the rear. The sound is sort of complete as long as you look out the the window sitting on the passenger seat.I have tried different cables. Had the dash apart twice to check the connections and all seems fine. Just rubbish sound.

Radio and cd work fine on both sides.

Also as a side note I found out why my aux in doesn't work. It's not plugged in! However after plugging it in it still doesn't work. Even with iPod disconnected.

Any suggestions great fully received.

I have tried to upload a video to show. Not everyone's taste. But lots of bass

Sounds like a fault with either the iPod or cable where they connect. You could eliminate the iPod if you can test it on another accessory; to test the cable you would need to swap over with someone else.

As a long shot, the only other thing I can think of is maybe you have customised levels on the graphic equaliser control in the iPod. :confused:
Hey. All good thoughts. I was at the dealers today and tried a cable out of the 2015 kombi I had on loan. But this was only the short length, not the bit that plugs into the decoder box. I have tried another iPod and an iPhone. All doing the same thing. I even went into them and turned the eq off

Thanks for the support though.
Have a look at the little brass contacts on the cables, one might be squashed over. I find if you take a photo and blow it up on the computer screen it makes it easier to see.
I took the cables. Super zoomed and they all look straight and true. But really good tip.


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