California Club Meet Morning & Afternoon Meet at Club Shop in Bolsover 10th Nov

Thanks guys, nice to see you all

Although we don’t have our Cali yet (order, but no build number) we made it to the shop today. I would like to say a big thanks to Kevin, Martin, and Nick and the guys from the shop. Charlie and I really appreciated the warm friendly welcome, support and all the advice, your enthusiasm was boundless. Thanks especially to:

Kev - for sorting us out with a spare wheel lock and explained the features on the seat covers.

Dave “Vada” and his mrs from Cumbria - who let us have a nosey round their van and answered my questions on wet coats and walking boots. If you read this Dave, here’s a link to the Quechua shower I told you about -

The couple - so sorry I didn’t ask your names, with the systema storage boxes and gin stash under the bed, for giving me the low down on where and how they store stuff.

And to the lady with Bobby Dazzler the German Shepard, fingers crossed you get your Cali soon, it was lovely chatting with you.

Hope to meet up with you all again and next time in our Cali.
Come on, what did everybody buy this weekend. I’m after a zonesleep but couldn’t make it this Saturday :bananadance2
Cali topper matching screen cover, collapsible electric kettle, bandrup centre carpet, door mats, salt and pepper pot, toilet tent, and there are a few bits we realised we forgot to by when we got back to site

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Cali topper matching screen cover, collapsible electric kettle, bandrup centre carpet, door mats, salt and pepper pot, toilet tent, and there are a few bits we realised we forgot to by when we got back to site

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Wow!! That’s some purchasing!!
We are newbies so needed a few essentials, I will be selling the children off next week to pay the credit card bill off :) still forgot to get the corner shelf that fits by passenger door that looked great l, and a mattress topper for downstairs is on the list of future purchases

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The briwy shelf :thumb
We are newbies so needed a few essentials, I will be selling the children off next week to pay the credit card bill off :) still forgot to get the corner shelf that fits by passenger door that looked great l, and a mattress topper for downstairs is on the list of future purchases

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We are newbies so needed a few essentials, I will be selling the children off next week to pay the credit card bill off :) still forgot to get the corner shelf that fits by passenger door that looked great l, and a mattress topper for downstairs is on the list of future purchases

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At least selling off the kids will mean more space in the Cali
And in the house too, it gets better and better :) now just got to dry everything out from the weekend and wash Gino De-Campervan who got a bit grubby on the wet trip back home

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Much to the relief of my wife, I only spent about £80: A couple of l.e.d lamps, toilet fluids and other minor stuff. BUT I saw quite a few things i fancy, such as the awning sides on display, that means my credit card is likely to get a bashing sometime next year...
Thanks to Martin, Kev and Nick for going the extra mile on Saturday - what with moving and a new computer system being installed it could have been so different. Thanks again. Helped make the weekend.
We bought a roof topper (with windows), a Briwy shelf and a small Ridge Monkey, avoided the postage, got a discount, had a great breakfast and got to meet some new friends and caught up with some of the usual suspects! What's not to like! Thank you all.
Come on, what did everybody buy this weekend. I’m after a zonesleep but couldn’t make it this Saturday :bananadance2
  1. A discounted crockery set (discounted because of a broken plate).
  2. An Outwell foot mat which we didn’t want to stand on in case we got it dirty
  3. A Brandrup Iso-Top liner
  4. An overdraft due to No 3 :Nailbiting
...... :D
Bosch wipers all round. They are silent now rather than the annoying judder. We had a great time, see you all again next time.

Convoy + 1030 next time!

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