Most expensive service - what's yours?


Paul S

VIP Member
Thought I'd ask just for a laugh (which is definitely not I was doing today). Prompted by Mercedes - yes I know it's my own fault, I could have had another Peugeot - quoting me £770 for a "B" service on the missus CLC180K. And would "Sir" like an MoT too? Yes please. That'll be an extra £35 then (which is perversely quite cheap). This kind of sticks in the throat a bit when the car has only done 8000 miles this year and are telling me its only worth £7500. Needless to say as its 2 years out of warranty now I'm getting it done by the local specialist as they're using MB parts and I've always had good service from them in the past. And with the saving I'm getting a pair of new tyres for it and a Nexus 7 tablet to play with.

So what's your most expensive service and did you grit your teeth, think of England and pony up the dough or not?
A good few years ago I had a BMW 318is. I was working in London at the time so I took it to a BMW dealer near Old St.

The service was OK as they do standard menu pricing, but they found a scratch on one of the alloy wheels - "Do you want the wheel replacing sir - that will be £330 plus VAT" - "No thanks!"

It was only a tiny cosmetic scratch and they were just standard alloys.

I suppose the city boys just say yes to that kind of thing....

My RS4 - an audi approved used one as well. Picked it up after i bought it, drove 800km, bit of clonking so took it to Audi dealer locally to look at ....

As noted on the silver circle notes for the warranty they had replaced the front bushings or something - and didn't really attach the wheel very well, as in really at all. Sheer luck meant the whole linkage didn't come off. As it being new to me i had been, err, enthusiatic on my drive home.

Paid for an independent inspection - bill came to
New DRC all round $10,000 more or less inc labour
2 new active engine mounts $3000
Fixing front anti roll bar and mounts etc because of original cock up $1500
Carbon clean $1500
Jammed inlet manifold air flap thing $1200
Service as they reckoned it hadn't been done as oil was filthy and car had done 800km since
New plugs
New filters inc pollen.

Suffice to say Audi and I had a long conversation about this. It was quite some bill.
The standard 40k mile service on our Defender 110 was £610. With no extra work… I went to an Indy and got it done for £390.
RFL was £460 a year.
It rarely got above 25mpg.
It only had 122bhp.

Liked it in many ways but the running costs and near £5k of warranty work it needed (we bought a Used Approved duffer from a dodgy main dealer in Croydon… :headbang ) and that we had to fight tooth and nail to get paid, we sold it and got the Cali.

Only £8k of warranty work on it so far… :shocked :censor
My Cali

While under warranty I needed to have the first service which consists only of an oil and filter change. VW at Faro, Portugal charged me 391 euro for this and would not budge despite my objections. I was going to complain to VW Germany but never got round to it.
£3500 for my Defender for 72k service with lots of issues. Ran it until 153k so got value for money out of it. Discovery 3 is a bit cheaper to run and service, more powerful, more luxurious and better on fuel as well. The Defender was a great car though.

Not a service as such but my least value for money was a Suzuki TL1000S in 1998, from rolling out of the showroom to very, very written off - 41 minutes.
Californiaman said:
Not a service as such but my least value for money was a Suzuki TL1000S in 1998, from rolling out of the showroom to very, very written off - 41 minutes.

Wow that's not good Mark. I take it you survived OK. Is that the one known for tank slapers ??
I was ok other than a few broken ribs. A chap swerved across the motorway from lane 3 - a last minute decision to take an exit and took me out. Yes, it was the famous widow maker version. An amazing machine. The head shake wasn't nearly as bad as reported although you had to be aware of the situations it was likely to occur and throttle on through it to even it out (I even went as far as to remove the steering damper as it made it very heavy in traffic)

The engine was amazing, meaning that the front wheel was rarely used (no head shake when it wasn't on the ground...!) the biggest problem with it was a gearbox full of false neutrals. You would set it up for a corner, drop it down a couple of cogs and tip it in and then pow it would pop into neutral. Not nice when fully committed and making progress. Happily, it never did pop back into gear mid corner..

The other thing with it was that it had a really REALLY tall 1st gear, resulting in lots of clutch slip from a standing start. It also had that ruff low down V twin thing going on so getting away with a pillion perched way high up on the back, quite a long way back was occasionally a bit sketchy...
Californiaman said:
Not a service as such but my least value for money was a Suzuki TL1000S in 1998, from rolling out of the showroom to very, very written off - 41 minutes.

Legend :shocked . Glad you came through it OK.
Californiaman said:
Not a service as such but my least value for money was a Suzuki TL1000S in 1998, from rolling out of the showroom to very, very written off - 41 minutes.

Flipping 'eck that sounds nasty :shocked

A mate has a Hayabusa and I'm just waiting for "the crash" story. It's insanely fast. I brick myself doing more than 30 on a scooter. :oops:

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