Moving to join you on the dark side......

So part one of the move to the dark side has been completed.
T4 WFA has gone to a great chap from Cornwall, who previously had a T25 Westfalia Cali.
I'm buying a T5 Cali from a chap who's buying a T6 Cali

So putting the chain together we have:
T25 Cali owner buys a T4 Cali off a guy who's buying a T5 Cali off a guy who's upgrading to a T6 Cali! The chain has gone from Cornwall to Perthshire.

I've had a brilliant almost 5 years with my Westy. Hopefully Gavin will have the same fun.

Do I need to change my forum name??? Is that even possible?
Anything is possible if you ask the right person lol
Darth Vader perhaps?