

VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150
Hi Everyone,
Well here goes:
From having a masterplan to retire in 5 years time and travel around Europe for a year in a camper van but not having the patience to wait, we decided to hire a VW California for a few days last week to see if it was for us.
We hired from Kampervanhire in Southampton (who we would definitely recommend) and headed off to a campsite in Dorset where we met three other families doing exactly the same thing. We loved it & on the journey home we decided we would buy one next year, maybe new, maybe 2nd hand and talked about specs, extras etc, etc.
Back at home, I became engrossed in your forum and read a post suggesting it was was worth looking at ex-demos on the VW website.
So, only one day later, we placed a deposit on an ex-demo (10 miles on the clock) from VW in Liverpool. The spec is exactly as we would have ordered (150 auto in Acapulco Blue, parking camera & privacy glass) plus some nice bits that I would not have ordered - e.g. upgraded wheels and body coloured roof bellows, and for about 10% off list price.
The information gained from the forum was invaluable - the model we are getting is the latest with the 3 section kitchen worktop (which I would not have known existed without having read your posts).
Still not sure if we have done the right thing - I think with all big purchases there is always doubt after the initial excitement subsides - but it's a done deal & we will be picking it up in a week or so.
Now looking at all the accessories and planning a month in Europe next summer... will hopefully attend one of the club meets too....oh and I've got to sell the car !!

Welcome. Congratulations. If I were you I would see if you can get an extended warranty and don’t buy anything extra until you’ve lived with it for a while. They are so good you really don’t need much else. I made a list of all the extras I wanted while I waited for the delivery of mine. I’m still considering less than half of what was on the original list.
Paul. I could have written this post myself as I've just done very much the same thing ! and like you I found these forums invaluable.
Maybe impulsive, maybe bold but there is no time like the present for this kind of thing I feel.
Have a great time planning that trip and making a master plan a reality
welcome To the forum I bought mine without hiring on an impulse and am enjoying the freedom it gives I'm sure you'll be fine.
Great to read your post @PJ500! Enjoy your time planning and doing some small „adventures“ until next summer.
A big welcome Paul and congratulation on a great "impulse" :D
Thanks for all the welcomes - hopefully will make the Dorset meet our 1st outing...
I just impulses brought and not even hiring before .... went with my gut and it still feels right ! I love Bertie ;)
Welcome! You will find that it is the best purchase of your life! We bought ours almost 3 years ago and we have used Lola all the time...
I am actually writing this post from the Isle of Wight where I am actually eating breakfast after a long walk on the beach with the dog. And I planned to come here 2 days ago...
Welcome PJ!

Mine was an impulse buy although 9 years old. I know those feelings of 'what have I done?' - but as soon as you have it that all disappears, it's the best thing I've ever owned!

Hope to meet you at West Bay.

Bobbi (black SE with surf bars on the roof but no board)
I live in my Cali at least four months every year. Three of those months wandering all around one warm country as I’m retired. I love it. I may stay a week or two in one place if I like it or only one night if I’ve seen enough. When I’m home I use it mostly for staying weekends at music festivals but it’s great to just take off for the fun of it and check out a new area or event. No planning needed

VW California Club
