My California was gone in 60sec......

  • Thread starter Hotel California
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Hotel California

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Cali now sold
My precious Cali was all spic&span cleaned thismorning when suddenly it appeard to be gone...
This was how i left it
And 60sec. later it was disappeard .....



Orderd the Cali cover from the forum shop last week and it was very quick deliverd even to Belgium!

As my Cali is not used as daily driver and sits put in my garage a few months in the wintertime i was looking for a cover , not nescecairy weatherproof/waterproof , just to keep clean from dust and scrathes as i do lots of stuff in my garage that are not so Cali -friendly....i was formed a carpenter in school so like to fiddle arround with wood.
When i put my Cali cleaned in the garage sometimes it comes out with a layer of dust afther a few weeks time.

Cleaned the Cali thismorning and first tryed the cover outside .
Now i know how easy it fits i can put it on over wintertime inside my garage.


Straps in the back to pull thight , usable with a bikerack folded in .

Zippers on both sides to acces the cabin , the sliding door is acceseble also as the awning keeps the cover away from the body a bit so the sliding door does not catches the cover when sliding open.


First impression very happy with the way it fits the Cali and not all that hard to put on.
Quality , time will tell .
Do think the fabric is not that suitible for outside (rainproof) but don't think it is sold as a outside cover .

Big thankx to @Everything VW California !
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I have something similar on my t25 I think the fabric is breathable but waterproof. This may be too.

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I would like to have witnessed the driving of the Cali into the garage with the cover on! :)
The ones parked inside can not open the roof ...
On the drive can fit at least another six ....with the roof up;)

We will stick to the champagne meet next week !
How much would I like a garage like your ...... my wife wanted our home with a plot full of fruit trees and grapes and not even a garage for our cali ..... must stay outdoors .. ..

Quanto mi piacerebbe un garage come tuo ...... mia moglie voleva la nostra casa con una trama piena di alberi da frutta e uva e nemmeno un garage per i nostri cali ..... deve rimanere all'aperto .. ..

VW California Club
