New Coast Woes



T6 Coast 102
I bought a brand new Coast from an Irish dealership in April last. We have had numerous problems with it. The water tank leaked into the sitting area. It was replaced and incorrectly fitted so that the filler hose leaked whilst driving. Since the repair the whole rear interior rattles. The roof was leaking through the fittings. It has been in the dealership again now for two weeks and the problem with the roof remains un-remedied. The rear blind was supplied crinkled. Apparently this is not under warrantee.
We are left feeling so disappointed. The shine has vanished from our exciting and much dreamed of campervan. What do you guys think? Should we insist on our money back or should we bear with them and let them sort it out.

I think you are right. It's fairly fundamental.
The unremidied leaking roof is very worrying. What part of roof is leaking? Had an engine management light come on at the 8k mark and was due to a sensor fault which was replaced by the dealer under warranty.
The hard roof lid is letting in water
Stick with it, get it fixed,once it's all ironed out you will love it
When something tells you what they are believe them first time. You’ve happened on a runt, a leave early on Friday production run.

If it feels bad, it will likely always feel bad.

I bought a jag once and they messed up slightly with the wrong interior trim. Although I kept it for eight years, I never loved that car!
Do you have any update on your woes since October. Did you get any satisfaction from dealer?
Well they fixed it and returned it nice and polished. They paid two lots of repayments and gave us a €250 voucher. We are left feeling disappointed and unimpressed. We decided not to go legal on them. Instead we decided to look forward to a great summer using the van and to try to forget what happened. Needless to say of anything else goes wrong it’s going back for refund.
I have a coast and have been through a lot of rattles. Sometimes I was really fed up, but eventually figured out where they came from (until the next time!).

I had a few little issues that some dealers might not have covered under warranty, The dealer I went to has been helpful. Perhaps a trip to a different dealer?

Good luck - it is worth it to have a simple, easy way to travel.
I made the error of leaving rattles to be dealt with at first Service visit.
Mistake as was told that it would be chargeable as rattles are only fixed FOC during first 6 Months from Delivery!

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