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New Forest Meet Thread June 2012

Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Andy when i spoke to them they told me if you
Pop to the office in the morning and pay £3
You can stay all day :thumb
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Calikev said:
Andy when i spoke to them they told me if you
Pop to the office in the morning and pay £3
You can stay all day :thumb

That sounds like a plan - thanks! :grin:
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Roger Gill & Toby will be attending the meet on the weekend of the 23 rd June. Look forward to meeting everyone.
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

just filled out forum on line so hopefully all booked up fri sat . :clap :thanks
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

been busy getting the banner ready for this meet :thumb

photo (2) banner.jpg
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Hi I will be able to come now, but have tried to book online and despite being a new member it has just hung up and not completed the booking.

Newish DSG 180 with loads of niggles, Vw have agreed to replace the whole roof thanks to Alex SMG.Van bought from Sinclairs Cardiff
New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Calikev said:
been busy getting the banner ready for this meet :thumb

Looks great, Kev :thumb
New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Isa Neal said:
Hi I will be able to come now, but have tried to book online and despite being a new member it has just hung up and not completed the booking.

It's not just you. C&CC's website's a bit temperamental (the payment page is a clumsy pop-up page which doesn't work in some browsers) :-(
If trying again doesn't work, try a different browser ... or phone up (old skool!)
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd


Just tried booking Saturday night over the phone but she said she could only do 2 nights minimum. Apparently I have to just rock up on the day and then it will be fine. She has assured me I will get in.

So that will be me, my wife Sam and our 2.5 half ankle biter Harley definely coming.

We are the ones that haven't a clue as to how anything works so hoping you guys will sort us out :crazy
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Good point Lee, I forgot to mention that online/phone bookings need to be for a minimum of two nights, if you wish to do just one night you can just turn up on the day.

It is very rare for these sites to be totally full due to the vast amount of pitches but if it is a busy weekend you could have a limited choice of where to pitch, Kev and me will hopefully update this thread on Friday and Saturday morning once we know what the situation is.
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Calikev said:
been busy getting the banner ready for this meet :thumb

banner looks great Kev :thumb :thumb :thumb
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Will try to make it if our Cali arrives on schedule. If so it will be our first official outing of our new van. How exiting is that? :barmy

Agnes & Mike
180 DSG, Natural Grey: Arrives in in 2 weeks. We can't wait
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

I would like to come along - sort of busy month this month - how do I book?

Sorry if this has been explained

Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

In caution I have booked 1 night so far, because I don't know how busy I am going to be.

May change to two

Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

just booked fri sat night .only took 30mins on the mobil .old dear was a bit slow at camp site end . :headwall :thanks
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Whoopee, my new roof is on so am definitely coming, new bike rack as well-oh joy!!!
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Just a week away until Hollands Wood meet, I have just spoken to the site and there are over 300 pitches left available so unless we have a scorcher next week people should have no problem just turning up on the day without booking, also by just turning up you can stay for just one night if you wish.

I would still ask that if you are considering coming please let us know so as we have a rough idea of numbers so we can inform the site.
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

T5WOB said:
T5WOB martin :D
Californiaman - Mark & Liz next
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

A colleague at work mentioned that she camped at Hollands Wood last weekend, and kindly gave me a map of the site, and mentioned some bits to be aware of.

I've tagged an image of the map with the areas she said seemed prone to noisy folk, which bits were flat enough for campervans ... and where there was a huge, wheel-knackering pot-hole in one of the roads!

She also said there was a fun, guided "dusk watch" nature trail which was worth going on.

Look forward to seeing everyone next weekend :clap

Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Good Post Steve, I am assuming this is why they now ask for the £20 deposit from groups as they said if a warden tells you to be quiet more than three times you are evicted and you lose your deposit. It is such a shame that some people ruin these sort of campsites, fingers crossed we won't have any problems. Luckily it is such a massive site we should be able to keep away from any large groups. Also our plan was to get on to the centre flat area away from the tents as this is the best location on the site.

Here are the details of Dusk Watch:
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Steve is it viable to update you picture to circle the proposed meeting area for next weekend?
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Good Point, I would say around here:

I think Kev will be first to arrive on Friday afternoon and the site will be virtually empty so hopefully the manager will allow us an area to ourselves. Depending on weather the campsite can get a bit busy early evening when everyone starts to arrive so the earlier people arrive the better.

Hollands Wood site map.jpg
Re: New Forest / South Informal Meet - Weekend of June 23rd

Someone has emailed and asked if they can come down just for the day, this is not a problem please just phone reception before you set off 01590 622967 . Day visitors need to leave the site by 10.30pm.

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