New site format



VIP Member
We just wanted to say we think the new forum layout is really great. We have been members for a while now and find the help and advise from everyone who contributes invaluable. We love our California and the lifestyle it gives us, and would like to thank everyone involved with such a great site.
I actually feel the opposite sadly, Not meaning to sound negative but I find the theme too clinical and bright (whites and greys) on my eyes which I find it harder to read. I didn't think it was broke before just needed to be set up better to suit modern wide screens and the picture resizer was too strict (it still is imo) I also miss the 'view your posts' from the top bar, I eventually found it by hovering over my username and going into the 'your content'.
I don't feel its as obvious as to who is posting as it was before, possibly because the username in under the avatar now?
I'll get used to it I'm sure, at least the new forum fills most of the screen now.
I like it, none of us like change but this forum feel much more modern compared to the old one, we could however do with some more how-to guies though as there appears to be loads of new features compared to the old forum.
We don't know ourselves I only just got used to the other one after 4 years and that was basic lol
I agree with Rippers.
It is harder on the eyes, especially on an iPad.

Not sue what the benefit of all this is. Will no doubt become apparent as time goes on. I was quite happy with the old one.
I like it. It is clearer, cleaner, more toys to play with.
Are you mad the new forum is loads better than the last outdated
Format. No more rejected pictures for being too large nice big avatars
Top work admin
I like the new format but the white can be a bit too bright at times that's all.
I agree with the brightness on iPads. But like the update a lot.
Everyone is going to have different types of screens, different resolutions and different quality equipment they use and so it wont be perfect for everyone. That being said ive just tested it all out on the ipad because an ipad is an ipad and the screens are much the same across the board. I can see peoples point of brightness, this is because the ipad doesnt show light greys and displays them as a dirty white which then blends with the background white.

On the desktops you have the grey margins left and right ( on bigger resolutions ) which dull down the glare a bit, with the ipad because the margins are not visible and its just a white background, the normal greys that are used in posts are very bright because there isnt anything around it to dull it down.

As a result i have edited the greys for screen resolutions below 1150px ( wide screen ipad roughly ) so that post and sidebar grey backgrounds are very slightly darker, obviously we dont want to go to far out of the way of the design but hopefully this subtle change in grey will make things a little better at least.
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Liked the old , love the new but will take a while to get ofay with it
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I like it, loads of features, is there a hanbook we can purchase? :kiss

I am missing my dancing banana though :(
I like it, loads of features, is there a hanbook we can purchase? :kiss

I am missing my dancing banana though :(

Ah that just reminded me Kev wanted the thumbs up as well, ill see if i can dig out the banana and the thumbs from the old icons ;)

VW California Club
