New User from Germany: Drymond Bestpin


Drymond Bestpin

Hi folks, I stumbled over a link posted in "VWCAMPER Board", "just seen Cali production line" by David. In order to see the pics I registered, but may pay a visit every once in a while (time permitting). Saw the production line myself on 2012 Feb 03 for the first time and was duly impressed by what hides behind everything you'll hopefully never see again...
My "Calli" was xctl 2 years old the day before yesterday, and I'm in for the first Great Check at 38,000 kms next week, even though no (real) faults have occurred so far.
More, next time I'm around here.
Tschüß, Karsten
Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen Drymond :D

Hope you enjoy the forum would be great to hear about Cali camper van life in Germany. :thumb


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