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OBD scanner for reading vehicle codes



VIP Member
T5 Beach
Does any have a recommendation for an OBD scanner for reading vehicle codes? We actually need it the read the codes on our VW sharan as it is playing up. I believe they are universal so if you had one for the California it should be good too for my use.
They are universal to some degree. Carista doesn't appear to support T5 Cali's (5.1s are OK). Hope someone will prove me wrong.
So do check the Sharon is listed
Having for both a Carista and an OBD11, the OBD11 is more flexible and a better range of options.
May be cheaper in the long run too.
T5's are supported.
I use the Carista on my T5.1. Very good. I also use on our Polo and Audi so get my monies worth.
I have a Carista and it works fine for my T5. Simple to use.
Can we confirm your T5 is pre 2010, because the website only shows the T5.1 facelift and T6 as working with the device.
They are universal to some degree. Carista doesn't appear to support T5 Cali's (5.1s are OK). Hope someone will prove me wrong.
So do check the Sharon is listed
The Carista has gaps in its application - they are not very open about its limitations. It didn't work for my 2005 T5. Spend a bit more money and get something more useful.
This forum has VCDS available for VIP members to hire, that's the most comprehensive OBDII diagnostic kit you can get for DIY use.

The software to run with VCSD is free to download from the Ross Tech website for use on a Windows PC.

I can vouch for the capabilities of this kit as I have had it for at least 15 years and recently upgraded to the most recent version.
I ended up buying the. Ross Tech plug-in hardware key and a small refurbished PC laptop to run it on after looking over wide range of scanners. Ultimately even the $500 (CDN) Autel 806MX was not going to perform many of the code controls that I knew would ultimately be required, if I wasn't going to be booking in at a garage. Local rates in Canada are now at $120/hr + 12% taxes.

I don't know about "download for free" but the hardware key/licence is required and also gets you RossTech support. They are very firm on rejecting any 'pirated' copies.
I ended up buying the. Ross Tech plug-in hardware key and a small refurbished PC laptop to run it on after looking over wide range of scanners. Ultimately even the $500 (CDN) Autel 806MX was not going to perform many of the code controls that I knew would ultimately be required, if I wasn't going to be booking in at a garage. Local rates in Canada are now at $120/hr + 12% taxes.

I don't know about "download for free" but the hardware key/licence is required and also gets you RossTech support. They are very firm on rejecting any 'pirated' copies.
Yes the download of the software is free but you need a license number to register for the free support etc. Plus of course you need the hardware to use it as the dongle (the bit that plugs into the OBDII port on the car) carries the secure licensed bit.

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