Ocean 6.1 water pouring out of tailgate when flushing



T6 Ocean 150 4Motion
Hi all,
I just attempted to flush out the fresh water tank on our Ocean 6.1 by opening the drain valve as I’ve previously done. I opened the tailgate and water poured out of the back of the van!
The filler lock cap was open.
I was somehow expecting the drain to be a short pipe coming out under the rear left. I found holes in the underside of the bumper, but no pipe.
Does anyone have a general drawing of the water system so I can understand what’s happening here please?
Take a look through the following thread. There’s a drawing, and photos of what I suspect to be your problem - drain components not aligned properly. Photos are around posts #15 to #17. It’s an easy fix for a VW van centre.

There seems to have been a few of these with new vans. Like someone wasn’t doing their job properly.
Sloppy assembly! It’s also a fault that might not show itself right away. When we parked on our drive ‘nose out’ there was no leakage. Parking nose in, it gushed out due to the slope.
Take a look through the following thread. There’s a drawing, and photos of what I suspect to be your problem - drain components not aligned properly. Photos are around posts #15 to #17. It’s an easy fix for a VW van centre.

Thanks! - I thought I'd seen a thread on this somewhere, but the Search here is not so good. We're just off on a lazy 3-week wander through Bosnia (dodging the minefield signs) so I'm sure I'll have time to investigate.

If you want to fix it - So long as you have the means of getting under the rear end (or use a local garage) it’s quite an easy task to remedy. Basically loosen the assembly, align, and retighten.

VW California Club
