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OEM T6.1 rear shower system

But if your kitchen sink has a tap, you already have a pump? I think there's only one pump in Californias that have a built-in kitchen.

Ah, OK, so are you saying that the factory-fit shower system uses the same water pump, with, I guess, a tee to feed the shower bulkhead fitting as well as some wiring from the switch on the latter to the same pump?
That would make sense, and reduce the amount of kit to be bought anyway - time I picked up the phone I guess!

[I might get the friendly rental company from whom I got my van for last year's trip to do a test for me where they switch the shower on when the sink tap is already on, and vice versa, to prove the point!]
I also quite like this because it doesn't eat precious kitchen cupboard storage space like the otherwise super Hess solution (and it's half the price). OK, no hot water at the sink, but the gas kettle is so fast I don't really need that.

Two problems for me:
- The box has a lid. Our slide out tray is so full with those grey Euroboxes that the box lid would foul the underside of the board in our 6.1. *
- I'd really like to also have a 12v/220v option for the times we are on a camping site. I will ask him directly if this is possible.

I'm still thinking.

* A separate post is in preparation about rear slide and Eurobox sizes. That took a lot of research!

Ask for Reto if you call. What I've done is use the hot water and simply then refill the fresh water tank to make the water as warm as I want. ;-)
OK, for those interested and following this tale (!), and in respect of my original question about simply replicating the OE cold shower, I just called a chap at a conversion co. ('T5 Alive'), who tells me that the factory-fit shower indeed uses the very same pump as the galley sink.

So, he says all one need do to replicate the OE system is to add the rear bulkhead fitting (he suggests 'Bullfinch, which is 'exactly the same as Reich'), tee the outlet of the existing pump, run a suitable hose from the tee to feed the bulkhead fitting, and connect switch to pump. What he wasn't sure about is whether the standard loom will or won't have a connection waiting for the switch to be connected to it - 'probably not' he thought, saying 'they build that stuff in by hand so probably just splice into the loom'

(I cannot at the moment find the Bullfinch part to which he refers, so here is the Reich ass'y, which appears to be a version without switch - stand by for an update!:

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Ah, OK, so are you saying that the factory-fit shower system uses the same water pump, with, I guess, a tee to feed the shower bulkhead fitting as well as some wiring from the switch on the latter to the same pump?
That would make sense, and reduce the amount of kit to be bought anyway - time I picked up the phone I guess!

[I might get the friendly rental company from whom I got my van for last year's trip to do a test for me where they switch the shower on when the sink tap is already on, and vice versa, to prove the point!]
OK, for those interested and following this tale (!), and in respect of my original question about simply replicating the OE cold shower, I just called a chap at a conversion co. ('T5 Alive'), who tells me that the factory-fit shower indeed uses the very same pump as the galley sink.

So, he says all one need do to replicate the OE system is to add the rear bulkhead fitting (he suggests 'Bullfinch, which is 'exactly the same as Reich'), tee the outlet of the existing pump, run a suitable hose from the tee to feed the bulkhead fitting, and connect switch to pump. What he wasn't sure about is whether the standard loom will or won't have a connection waiting for the switch to be connected to it - 'probably not' he thought, saying 'they build that stuff in by hand so probably just splice into the loom'

(I cannot at the moment find the Bullfinch part to which he refers, so here is the Reich ass'y, which appears to be a version without switch - stand by for an update!:

Yes, that linked item looks to be the same as we have on our 6.1 Ocean.
And here it this parts list- best to check that these are same for T6.1, but I suspect they are

Post in thread 'VW Camping Shower'

That's really great, thanks, and now you have pointed me to this 'article', I realise (durrrrr!) that I had in fact already seen it, but many, many months ago, and I had not tumbled in this recent dialogue where I had seen it before. Anyway, it's a great help, and clearly the job boils down to something pretty simple.

About the only thing I'm having difficulty with on the forum is devising targetted enough searches for stuff, but that's probably more my own ineptitude than any criticism of the search mechanisms!
@Johnny Rocket to be fair, it took me a good 10 minutes to find it for you through the search function despite knowing exactly what I was looking for.

It was a good treasure hunt however, with the keywords ‘retro shower’ eventually leading me there vw calufornia hot water

I guess this must be it?:

I am interested in that rear shower outlet they are using


Anyone know if that metal plate is available to purchase anywhere? I couldn't find anything by Reich/Bullfinch, but I'd be interested as making such a plate myself is going to be hard.

I suspect they have taken the original outlet, made a metal plate to size in house, dismantled/reused the original switch and water outlet with it, and added an Elgena mixing tap to it (
For those following this latest instalment of the 'DIY-fit my own OE shower system' story, I got a quote today (see below) from my local dealer for the complete OE kit, the parts list for which (also below) was kindly provided by BenPcaliman in the thread running a couple of years ago.

If any of you suffer from dry eyes, the VW quote will surely sort you out! - the genuine Reich bulkhead fitting and 2m shower hose+head I ordered yesterday for E68.48, is a whopping £128.10 from VW!

As for a length of water hose at £9.34, a 10mm plastic Y-piece at £6.87, or 2 hose clips at £9.78, all PLUS VAT of course, I'll procure my own plumbing sundries, thanks very much VW!

T'was ever thus :-| . . . .

vw cali parts shower.pngVW shower - OE parts kit.png

I have an appointment at Hess early this Friday afternoon. They don’t have a California demonstrator that’s fitted with their hot water system, but they do have the plate that covers all the gubbins in the kitchen cupboard. That means I can get a clearer idea of how much space it takes from the cupboard. That, and the price are the deciding factors for us.

If anyone has specific questions they’d like answered, please answer here and I’ll do my best.
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I have an appointment at Hess early this Friday afternoon. They don’t have a California demonstrator that’s fitted with their hot water system, but they do have the plate that covers all the gubbins in the kitchen cupboard. That means I can get a clearers idea of how much space it takes from the cupboard. That, and the price are the deciding factors for us.

If anyone has specific questions they’d like answered, please answer here and I’ll do my best.
Could you ask if they sell a DIY kit, and/or if they sell the shower mixing tab / switch / hose mount point plate separately (the one I showed in a picture earlier).

I'm almost ready to pull the trigger on parts to do a DIY job, but might be tempted if they offer a kit
The "shower mixing tab / switch / hose mount point plate" is, I would say from the pictures, just a piece of 5 (or 6)mm Al-plate with the three holes for the unions, plus 4 fixing holes (countersunk) at the corners, black anodised to finish. I can make that / get it made, but on their parts list it's CHF35-ish, so probably better value just to buy direct if they'll sell it?

Let's see what the outcome of Richard's scouting visit is?
Very interesting thread thanks!
I did not buy a showroom T6.1 because it was missing the rear shower and the dealer (major one) was sure it could not be retrofitted. I ended up buying a pre reg’d very late T6 and saved loads.
The hot water aftermarket option is one that my other half is sooo keen on…
Very interesting thread thanks!
I did not buy a showroom T6.1 because it was missing the rear shower and the dealer (major one) was sure it could not be retrofitted. I ended up buying a pre reg’d very late T6 and saved loads.
The hot water aftermarket option is one that my other half is sooo keen on…

From my own point of view, having initially 'done it to death' with some rather inefficient research of my own, then with various other members' help, I concluded that it is actually an incredibly simple system and extremely easy to retrofit!

My genuine Reich bulkhead fitting and shower head/hose ass'y are still crawling their way across to me from northern France, but I hope will be with me by Monday. I shall then set to, and fit it all.

So, and NOT here wishing to steal the thunder of all the good previous stuff to which we have referred here, if anyone would like me to make a photo record of what I do to get it all fitted, and post it as a current method that worked for our van, then I'm very happy to do so. Just someone shout 'YES' please (or not?!) before next week, and I'll make sure to record the job. Thanks.

PS Richard, how did the visit to Hess go BTW?

PPS given the good things I'd heard about Breeze VW in Poole, I gave them a ring earlier in the week to ask the parts / service people what was needed (parts-wise) to replicate the factory-fit shower - the parts chap said they'd have to get two vans in side-by-side, one with and one without, then compare. Said it wouldn't be quick; I'd have to expect to wait a couple of weeks! "Yeah right; thanks, bye"!
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From my own point of view, having initially 'done it to death' with some rather inefficient research of my own, then with various other members' help, I concluded that it is actually an incredibly simple system and extremely easy to retrofit!

My genuine Reich bulkhead fitting and shower head/hose ass'y are still crawling their way across to me from northern France, but I hope will be with me by Monday. I shall then set to, and fit it all.

So, and NOT here wishing to steal the thunder of all the good previous stuff to which we have referred here, if anyone would like me to make a photo record of what I do to get it all fitted, and post it as a current method that worked for our van, then I'm very happy to do so. Just someone shout 'YES' please (or not?!) before next week, and I'll make sure to record the job. Thanks.

PS Richard, how did the visit to Hess go BTW?

PPS given the good things I'd heard about Breeze VW in Poole, I gave them a ring earlier in the week to ask the parts / service people what was needed (parts-wise) to replicate the factory-fit shower - the parts chap said they'd have to get two vans in side-by-side, one with and one without, then compare. Said it wouldn't be quick; I'd have to expect to wait a couple of weeks! "Yeah right; thanks, bye"!
In preparations today for fitting my Reich OE shower kit (arrived yesterday) this little yellow chap (the water tank outlet fitting) snapped like a carrot when I was trying to pull (as on-axis as I could manage!) the feed hose to the sink free from it.

So I ended up making this tool to unscrew the tank bung so I could get inside to free the blighter.

Worked a treat: 2-off dia. 20mm dowels, protruding 15mm and on 96mm centres, in a piece of ca. 320mm long 12mm thick ply.

I can recommend it, and it’s a far better bet than smacking the spokes of the bung with a drift!

From my own point of view, having initially 'done it to death' with some rather inefficient research of my own, then with various other members' help, I concluded that it is actually an incredibly simple system and extremely easy to retrofit!

My genuine Reich bulkhead fitting and shower head/hose ass'y are still crawling their way across to me from northern France, but I hope will be with me by Monday. I shall then set to, and fit it all.

So, and NOT here wishing to steal the thunder of all the good previous stuff to which we have referred here, if anyone would like me to make a photo record of what I do to get it all fitted, and post it as a current method that worked for our van, then I'm very happy to do so. Just someone shout 'YES' please (or not?!) before next week, and I'll make sure to record the job. Thanks.

PS Richard, how did the visit to Hess go BTW?

PPS given the good things I'd heard about Breeze VW in Poole, I gave them a ring earlier in the week to ask the parts / service people what was needed (parts-wise) to replicate the factory-fit shower - the parts chap said they'd have to get two vans in side-by-side, one with and one without, then compare. Said it wouldn't be quick; I'd have to expect to wait a couple of weeks! "Yeah right; thanks, bye"!
Hi all,

Sorry, it's been the week from hell.

Hess were extremely busy but very helpful. If you are a VW T offroad or South America bound camper, these guys are GOOD! Their car park had about 20 various Ts in various states of extreme offroad, from stock to almost unrecognisable! Knobbly tyres galore. A few classic T3s too!

Hess found the plate they use in the lower right cupboard that covers the boiler and connections and we tried it in our Ocean. As you can just see, the 12v connections are behind the LH cut out, the 220v behind the right. This may be because there are very strict regs in Switzerland about keeping 220v and low voltage apart. All very well made.

Here's a picture.

Hot water space taken.JPG

We currently have 2 of the IKEA boxes in this cupboard, side by side. This would no longer be possible after the heater was fitted. A bit under half the cupboard volume is lost. The approximate measurement from the plate to the mid-point of the curved slider runner is 19cm.

Questions - Hess have very long-term plans to offer it as a kit, but have no resources to support or do the documentation, especially in English! I offered, but no.

Ditto the plate carrying the mixer at the back. They are not keen. I may be able to change their minds and will try again.

We have decided to sit on the decision for now and to complete a few more trips first. It's a great solution, but the price and loss of space is causing us thought.
Hi all,

Sorry, it's been the week from hell.

Hess were extremely busy but very helpful. If you are a VW T offroad or South America bound camper, these guys are GOOD! Their car park had about 20 various Ts in various states of extreme offroad, from stock to almost unrecognisable! Knobbly tyres galore. A few classic T3s too!

Hess found the plate they use in the lower right cupboard that covers the boiler and connections and we tried it in our Ocean. As you can just see, the 12v connections are behind the LH cut out, the 220v behind the right. This may be because there are very strict regs in Switzerland about keeping 220v and low voltage apart. All very well made.

Here's a picture.

View attachment 94592

We currently have 2 of the IKEA boxes in this cupboard, side by side. This would no longer be possible after the heater was fitted. A bit under half the cupboard volume is lost. The approximate measurement from the plate to the mid-point of the curved slider runner is 19cm.

Questions - Hess have very long-term plans to offer it as a kit, but have no resources to support or do the documentation, especially in English! I offered, but no.

Ditto the plate carrying the mixer at the back. They are not keen. I may be able to change their minds and will try again.

We have decided to sit on the decision for now and to complete a few more trips first. It's a great solution, but the price and loss of space is causing us thought.

Thanks Richard. I will keep a watching brief too then via you if I may? Meanwhile I’m glad I decided to do the cold shower retrofit, which should go in over the weekend / as soon as I receive a new water tank outlet fitting (NOT via VW: “It’ll take about a week sir” . . . meanwhile I’m travelling on Monday !!!!)
From my own point of view, having initially 'done it to death' with some rather inefficient research of my own, then with various other members' help, I concluded that it is actually an incredibly simple system and extremely easy to retrofit!

My genuine Reich bulkhead fitting and shower head/hose ass'y are still crawling their way across to me from northern France, but I hope will be with me by Monday. I shall then set to, and fit it all.

So, and NOT here wishing to steal the thunder of all the good previous stuff to which we have referred here, if anyone would like me to make a photo record of what I do to get it all fitted, and post it as a current method that worked for our van, then I'm very happy to do so. Just someone shout 'YES' please (or not?!) before next week, and I'll make sure to record the job. Thanks.

PS Richard, how did the visit to Hess go BTW?

PPS given the good things I'd heard about Breeze VW in Poole, I gave them a ring earlier in the week to ask the parts / service people what was needed (parts-wise) to replicate the factory-fit shower - the parts chap said they'd have to get two vans in side-by-side, one with and one without, then compare. Said it wouldn't be quick; I'd have to expect to wait a couple of weeks! "Yeah right; thanks, bye"!
Have you completed the install ?
I’m wondering wether to add the shower connection to my new build or if I install a shower outlet myself.
Indeed I have! - I did it at the end of June before heading off for a month's trip where it was well and truly tested and worked a treat. Been a bit busy since, so whilst I did take all the pictures and measurements which I'd need to support a 'how to do it' post, I have just not managed to get around to it yet.

For anyone with a reasonable level of spannering confidence and a little bit of ingenuity though, it's a piece of cake to do.

And if I can make a decent job of my own instruction 'sheet', then it shouldn't be beyond pretty much anyone's capability (the other threads to which we've referred above do already give a pretty good explanation of what to do, but I'll try to do something completely comprehensive).

VW California Club
