On Board Log



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T4 PopTop

Well what a fab weekend. Anyone who wasn't out in their Cali/Westy (delete as appropriate) this last weekend missed out I believe.
The weather was good on Saturday, a bit cooler on Sunday but, what made it for us was the complete lack of wind. Both Friday and Saturday evenings were still as a still thing which made for a perfect campfire without any swirling turbulance off the wind break.
Add in a clear sky and half moon, excellent food/wine and a good time was had by all.

Sitting by the fire we got to wondering exactly where, in it's 20 years, our trusty and much loved Westy (German import) has been. I'd love to know each and every trip it's been on from short weekenders to longer trans European jaunts.

We decided every van should, by law, be obliged to keep a log book in the glove box to be filled in after ervey trip. The log should stay with the vehicle so subsequent owners have the complete history.

Roll on Friday and the next trip. :cool:

We have a log book in our glove box, albeit only for our own interest etc.

It's nice to recall where you've been but also we keep records of the sites we use.
We keep one, although mostly it's boring stuff about lost oil, lists of broken bits, mpg reconds and keeping track of mileage and suchlike.

Would be nice to know more of her history though. Bet she's seen a lot of places in 22 years.

We have a camper logbook too. We just note down and rate the campsites visited, and what we did while we were there. I put in a few photos too, as a record for the kids when they are older.

When I saw 'on board log' I thought this was a mis post that should have been under the Cali Toilet thread.

but now I see :)


VW California Club
